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Scripter I
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About TheWind

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  1. Looks like you are using the wrong operators in your if statements https://www.quora.com/What-is-difference-between-and-in-Java
  2. Learn to do it yourself or you have to share your idea with someone
  3. I feel like the rotating is great for scene switching, but so much for within the same scene
  4. I haven't done that quest in a while without Token's Quester. Do the doors have the option "Open" even if they can't be opened? (the levers aren't in the correct positions for it to open)
  5. I've messaged him on Skype to let me know when he's available for the refund.
  6. Love the original G930, mostly because of its wireless/surround sound/great sound quality. It is like $60 cheaper than when it was originally released. It does break after a year/year and a half though. It has a few problems with the newest drivers, but if you use the 8.40 or 8.41 releases it removes all the background static. If you're looking for something newer I would recommend a wired Logitech headset. They are honestly great. If you up your budget by like another $100 there are a lot better options in the market for both wired and wireless gaming headsets in other brands.
  7. It'll go back up. Was bound to go down after the hype. I'm hoping it starts trending toward a slower less volatile value which slowly appreciates in value.
  8. $0.80/m add me on skype: thewind100 or discord: TheWind#8821 or come chatbox
  9. How much would something like this go for? 2m experience at 15gp/xp would be 30m for 2 accounts 55-75 magic. Would take 16 hours of doing both accounts at once.... That's like 16 hours of intense clicking for 65k experience per hour for (30m * $0.8) = $24 for 16 hours work Am I missing something here? do people charge more than what I proposed?
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