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  1. You, my friend, are a hero @Patrick
  2. That's a interesting idea, I wouldn't think you could auto click all the skills obivously though haha
  3. Some things are common sense but overall a good guide for people looking to start botting
  4. Damn...should have quit while you were ahead...
  5. Interesting not using any GP on it but good luck, the F2P grind will be slow asf LOL
  6. Doesn't sound bad but I'd get the strength up
  7. 30m is a steal for that build, I would jump on that if I were you
  8. mrzoro35

    PC plz

    I would say 150M but that is crazy getting it from a random person at ge?
  9. I would say 150-200M for a fairly quick sale? 99 thieving and firemaking are nice but won't add value for everyone but you might get a bit more if someone likes the 99's
  10. Damn dude, sucks to hear...
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