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Antonio Kala

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Everything posted by Antonio Kala

  1. You can't use mirror mode with proxies at the momment sorry brother.
  2. @acerd have you tried doing a hobby you really enjoy ?
  3. Why don't you try moving the computer to another room? Or renting a server
  4. First define what you mean by KYS???
  5. The problem is windows vista 2008, it's lagging in game, not remote desktop
  6. of course my friend, It has more than enough ram Does anyone know a good remote desktop controller for windows 2008 / windows 10?
  7. This are the settings I use: https://gyazo.com/befa3209d2c185ec5563ec01be90086b https://gyazo.com/e3979bd5106d3f332405755cf37f204d But I think it's related to remote desktop because with videos etc, on vnc centos 7 I watch them just fine, but on windows 2008 remote it lags as well. What other progams could be compatible with windows 2008 /windows 10. Maybe I can try a different one to see if it works.
  8. Anyone have any idea why this happens? Osbot on windows 2008 with remote desktop. https://gyazo.com/22d7207ee351901ddbf2f1378368e3f1 REALLY LAGGY. Osbot on Centos 7 with VNC. https://gyazo.com/7aeb0eaa5b5f42f6bafd08ae4302822f Same server. I really prefer to use windows but I don't get why rs lags so much, it's almost unusable. If anyone knows why please help me out, I'll be very thankful .
  9. Hey man great guide, I would say you should say this guide is directed more towards playesr who want to bot on their mains and not goldfarmers. Great guide though!
  10. Depends on whose the original owner. then the price will vary a lot. Whose the Original owner?
  11. Sorry forgot to post the source https://gyazo.com/0651e1ec3b3560cda30e395e26f9a2de
  12. New jmods are almost done with their training, this will highly affect f2p botting and p2p botting. Any thoughts? WE have been going against only 1 guy for 3 years, but with more, things are going to get ugly! Edit: sorry forgot to post the source: https://gyazo.com/0651e1ec3b3560cda30e395e26f9a2de
  13. Please stop needing more and more money. Be happy with what you have. Quote this: "I need absolutely nothing to be happy"
  14. if ur gonna bot the quests why not just buy the stats botted, cheaper and if the acc is not banned ur good to go bro
  15. Hey man really fun goal, hope you can achieve it. Try to take it slowly as it will be a long grind, set small goals and achieve them on a weekly basis. Best of luck. May I ask why you want to max in oldschool?
  16. Scotty why did you quit the chat?

  17. So you would leave it the same, when you have an excess in demand? What about the costs of that publicity, advertising on websites etc costs money.
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