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Script Officer
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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    It may be an isolated case, mirror mode often fails to load certain hooks like npcs, objects, inventory, equipment etc. and needs a restart to work
  2. Disable onedrive, it's enabled by default on new windows 10 installations OR try the new 2.6.61 dev version which is supposed to fix these issues
  3. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Does it work if restarted?
  4. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Botting anything in F2P is very high ban rate Still working on Underground Pass, The Feud was just a random update
  5. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Is it working if you run it on a different account? Do you have adventure paths enabled on that account? Do you have bank tabs?
  6. Here's a list of possible reasons Running a VPN Using proxifier Broken proxies Messing around with wireshark Living in a country where runescape is illegal Not being aware of some network settings that you set in the past Running inside a virtual machine/container/server/sandbox and not being aware of the network settings
  7. I'm not sure yet how giant seaweed works, it sounds like new content so I can't predict atm
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It works for a few quests but it's not very ironman friendly overall Lower reaction time on mirror mode to 50ms (default is 1000ms) and restart the client before script runs, a fresh start greatly improves performance on mirror mode (there are some memory leaks that the devs are working on for the next mirror mode client version)
  9. I'm focusing on rewriting it for now, after that I'll think about what can be added
  10. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Random update: added The Feud quest for 15k thieving xp
  11. I pushed a fix, is it working now?
  12. Are you using digsite pendants and ran out of them?
  13. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Yes Run in debug mode (press F4 on the GUI), make sure the bot is exactly where it was before being interrupted and has same items
  14. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Is it opening and closing the bank? When was the account created? Does it have adventure paths? In the quest tab, is there some other sub-tab open other than the quest list itself?
  15. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I've added some code to handle that case, should be working now
  16. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    I'll add some code to switch to inventory EDIT: the change should be live on the SDN, let me know if you are still having this issue
  17. Yes, but make sure you reduce the reaction time to 50ms before running scripts, and it's best to restart the client before a script run to achieve best performance
  18. Is it on mirror mode or lowcpu mode?
  19. They probably make new accounts and ask for trials every couple weeks
  20. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Are you using multiple bot tabs in the same client? Lowcpu mode? Running inside a virtual machine or on a server? Did you use some bot manager or another way to start from CLI?
  21. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Is that on mirror mode?
  22. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It would only hop if the puzzle can't be solved without undoing, it should be able to slide the last piece if it can be solved in that way
  23. Token

    Stealth Quester

    50% cases the puzzle requires undoing the last 2 rows to complete, it hops instead (it's faster than undoing)
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