Script Id: 906
Ranged Support, picks up arrows and equips if you are using them
Eats anything for food including wine
Fights anything
Loot any monster (Premium Only)
Bank to the closest bank near you (Premium Only)
How it works:
Start the script, there is no GUI
The food it uses is whatever you have in your inventory
An area is created around your player and fights ANYTHING inside of it
Logs out if no more food or arrows (if using ranged)
Premium version:
The premium version allows you to loot & bank. After you start the script, go to your OSBot Data Folder (On Windows: C:\Users\<User>\OSBot\Data\MacroKiller). In this folder you simply create a text file (cAsE sEnSiTiVe) with the monster name you want to add to the loot table. Use underline for spaces, ("_"). Inside the text file, you enter each item id separated by a comma.
Example of MacroKiller folder:
Example of "Air_Elemental" file contents:
Further configuration options are available in settings.ini. You can leave this file blank or not use certain flags. The options are placed in this format:
flag: bank
values: 0 = dont bank (web walker not initialized), 1 = bank (web walker initialized)
flag: foodAmt
values: The amount of food you wish to withdraw on bank
flag: food
values: The cAsE sEnSiTiVe name of the food you wish to eat/withdraw