Runescape is currently having some server issues, failure to load the game is not an OSBot problem
In order to work around this issue, as a temporary fix if you find yourself unable to load the client, try starting from the command line
Rename the OSBot file from osbot 2.5.63 (or whatever it is) to OSBot (do not delete the .jar extension if it's enabled) and place the file on your DESKTOP
Use the search function to find the command prompt and start it
The command prompt will be in the home directory, in the picture above "adres" is my user home directory
In the command prompt type the following: java -jar desktop\OSBot.jar -bot email:password:bankpin -world world
In the example below:
email = (runescape account login email for the account you want to bot with, or login name for older accounts)
password = somesexypassword (runescape account password for the account you want to bot with)
bankpin = 1234 (put any random 4 digit number if you do not have a bank pin like 1234, DO NOT LEAVE BLANK OR TYPE AN INVALID PIN)
world = 355 (choose different worlds until you find one that works for you, I never had an issue with 355)
The client will successfully load with the world you entered above
Try several worlds until you find one that works for you