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Everything posted by Chikan

  1. Dihydrogen monoxide
  2. Ares Slayer would tell you otherwise.
  3. Chikan


    You god damn cancer, how dare you enjoy something I dislike. The nerve.
  4. Chikan


    It's a waifu you uncultured swine, you probably don't even respect the culture you even Japanese bro???????
  5. If that's the case, then due to his accout security he might get put in TWC and be asked to pay. I've seen it happen before, we'll just have to see how it pans out.
  6. Chikan


    We should just stop the hate and embrace the love able Philippeno slide shows that so many obsess over.
  7. Anyone got anymore popcorn, I ran out
  8. Unfortunately, nobody can be completely trusted. Did he recover, or just take your money and log?
  9. Or you're IP is flagged & botting on f2p. Either way, buy proxies. I hear Xylate has a good stock at affordable prices.
  10. Straws are being grasped at.
  11. Change back your avatar Who gets to choose what a "real" job is, why do you get to decide what considers a real job. If he's relatively happy doing what he does, and it's enough to support himself and his family who are you to judge?
  12. What's wrong with playing games to make a living?
  13. This is spam/off topic, mild flaming is allowed. Just don't end it till I get my popcorn
  14. No clue. He's :salty: about something
  15. I hear dihydrogen monoxide I very deadly this time of year
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