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Everything posted by Chikan

  1. Chikan


    Sorry, who are you?
  2. Chikan


    You're being removed then cy@ l8r m8.Done, you are no longer qualified
  3. Chikan


    You aren't qualified either. Get good pleb.
  4. Chikan


    You're not qualified to be added in to the sig
  5. You're probably just unlucky, I botted all day Saturday. Had an 11 hour proggy, botted most of Sunday + I plan on using it tonight, idk what you're doing.
  6. Secret Jk shin kicking monks that heal their damage taken. Pretty common practice. I just use a bot that keeps the account logged in, and attacks the monks
  7. Idk, never tried it. I imagine it's the same. Just more risk because you actually need to pay for runes.
  8. It's just splashing. Nothing else. No bot input, it's not gold farming. Not exactly something I label as detectable.
  9. Breaks are not required for defense pures. Trust me. I've made 1-3 and suicided them on f2p for a week straight with no bans attributed to this.
  10. Use monk slayer. Leave it on 24/7 I've never gotten banned doing that.
  11. Hundreds of hours over the course of a few months.
  12. Chikan

    Bye Saiyan

    Thank you for joining us purple plebs
  13. Chikan

    Bye Guys

    He has a mic when he calls me
  14. Damn this makes me want to learn profit snek. Could I do it with 42 defense 90 range 82 Mage? (Sounds like a dumb question but I really don't know.)
  15. Chikan

    Obby tank

    I gave up on that. I still had 500 hours to go.
  16. Chikan

    Obby tank

    Good to know, mines almost done.
  17. Chikan

    Obby tank

    1/70/75 No quests or slayer staff
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