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Everything posted by Rxd

  1. It will come back when it gets hungry, just leave food outside the porch (door, etc) Also it sounds like you dont like your cat lmao. Try to get tags for it. Source: i had a cat named "hoe-hoe" when i was 8 for about 3~ years. Damn skank got pregnant with all the strays and ended up giving her to the shelter
  2. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/01/30/indian-man-dies-after-being-sucked-into-mri-machine-while-carrying-oxygen-cylinder/1078114001/
  3. Side note: food also effects your mental state and happiness.
  4. Literally my lunch right now Protein shake/bannana/peanut butter/ raw manuka honey from local farm/ chia seeds BCAA's cuz i love my placebo effect and the taste they deliver, with a bowl full of watamaloon
  5. I follow a plant based diet, however i do indulge in meats about twice a week. The health benefits are true, it's just a matter of ethics to me at this point.
  6. Edit: Was looking for some old nagant cases and found this beauty ^^^
  7. i picked up a fez and called all my friends on my local landline screaming " IGOT A SANTA HAT" met up with them at the local library to show them my bank and they told me a fez is not a santa hat... Good old 2008~
  8. I'd prefer the history
  9. https://www.kinguin.net/
  10. is your ava lil peep as hisoka?
  11. Rxd

    it worked

    lmfao whats the company you work for?
  12. Rxd

    Store prices

    Yeah mods have ACP.
  13. Rxd

    Store prices

    Wait till osb takes legal action
  14. it comes up as black screen for me
  15. I deserve to win, because I capitalized the singular "I"
  16. Rxd

    Hi Guys!

    my question is, does this man ^ even boof the boof properly? I mean you gotta be gentle wid it then all of a sudden boof THE boof
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