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Scripter I
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Everything posted by HunterRS

  1. Not scaleable, but good as OP didn't talk about farming.
  2. Probably not one of his accounts?... EDIT: Gl
  3. 3 and nothing special
  4. https://imgur.com/DJhysS1
  5. Few things, First of all, you can look at the widgets by the color of the frame, looks like the specific one you use is the amount of people in the world. Secondly, you aren't doing any checks, make sure your widget is visable and is not null. Lastly, i would recommand declaring your world variable at the start but setting it only after you preformed all of your other actions. Might help.
  6. You imported the wrong area. You used import java.awt.geom.Area; You need import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area;
  7. Show the imports Make sure you have osbot's JAR added as an external lib
  8. Might wanna say how much/at what price etc.
  9. Logic says if you keep trying to log in over and over again every few seconds for long periods of time this can look "bot like". Whether or not this throws a flag to them no one knows and if someone did they probably wouldn't say. Pretty sure osbot's login handler waits before attempting to log in again. If you have a custom login handler I would suggest doing the same.
  10. Pretty sure I just tested them out by logging them. Might be documented someplace though.
  11. I use Tasks in my code so verify is essentially how I check if I should attempt to log in @Override public boolean verify() { return getLobbyButton() != null || !isLoggedIn(); } private RS2Widget getLobbyButton() { RS2Widget button = null; try { button = script.getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("CLICK HERE TO PLAY"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { script.log(e); } return button; } public boolean isLoggedIn() { return isHopping() || script.getClient().getLoginStateValue() == 30 || script.getClient().isLoggedIn(); } public boolean isHopping() { return script.getClient().getLoginStateValue() == 45 || script.getClient().getLoginStateValue() == 25; }
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