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Scripter I
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Everything posted by HunterRS

  1. i have ran 7, doesnt really change much as it is usually between 300-600MB per bot
  2. this isnt a gold farm operation, this is where you order leveling on accounts to use in your gold farm. if you are interested in opening a gold farm, let me know and i can help you.
  3. What is a Gold Farm- A gold farm is a common name for a group of bots ran together usually doing one method in order to make money. Gold farms varie in size and method depending on your prefrence. What is my Gold Farm Service- Basically you will be buying ready to go accounts that all you need to do with them is login and run your script. Depending on the mothod and payment some accounts will be ready to go and some will need supplies bought for them. Gold Farm Packages- Blast Furnace Starter Farm: Number of accounts: 3 Avrage gp/h per account: 200k first day then can grow to up to 500k Avrage profit per day: 15-20$ Time to make farm: 1 day Farm cost: 13-15m 07 (depending on prices of bonds, coal and iron). Extra information: Each accounts will be recieved fully ready to bot with all the quest reqs and 30 smithing, 100k cash(to pay to the guy) , 14 days of membership (bond), materials for the first 4-6 hrs of botting( worth 2.3m after the botting), some energy potions and camelot and varrock tabs to sell the bars after a few hours of botting. Time to make back farm cost: 1-2 days , depending on hours botted a day ( min of 10). Suggested script: Khal BLast Furnace RAM needed: 400mb-1.6gb (depending on mirror or injection). Blast Furnace Medium Farm: Number of accounts: 5 Avrage gp/h per account: 200k first day then can grow to up to 500k Avrage profit per day: 20-30$ Time to make farm: 1-2 days Farm cost: 22-24m 07 (depending on prices of bonds, coal and iron). Extra information: Each accounts will be recieved fully ready to bot with all the quest reqs and 30 smithing, 100k cash(to pay to the guy) , 14 days of membership (bond), materials for the first 4-6 hrs of botting( worth 2.3m after the botting), some energy potions and camelot and varrock tabs to sell the bars after a few hours of botting. Time to make back farm cost: 1-2 days , depending on hours botted a day ( min of 10). Suggested script: Khal BLast Furnace RAM needed: 700MB-2.5GB (depending on mirror or injection). Blast Furnace Advanced Farm: Number of accounts: 10 Avrage gp/h per account: 200k first day then can grow to up to 500k Avrage profit per day: 50-60$ Time to make farm: 4-6 days Farm cost: Extra information: Each accounts will be recieved fully ready to bot with all the quest reqs and 30 smithing, 100k cash(to pay to the guy) , 14 days of membership (bond), materials for the first 4-6 hrs of botting( worth 2.3m after the botting), some energy potions and camelot and varrock tabs to sell the bars after a few hours of botting. Time to make back farm cost: 1-2 days , depending on hours botted a day ( min of 10). Suggested script: Khal BLast Furnace RAM needed: 2GB-5GB (depending on mirror or injection). Custum Farm: Details will be agreed on in skype More farm types will be added soon. Order Form: Skype: Farm Type: Do You Agree To The T.O.S: Payment methods- 07 gp paypal (trusted only) T.O.S (Terms of Service) - You will only add my skype after filling the form below. 1. You may not log into the account during a service unless you have permission from the owner of the service, doing so will result in the termination of the service with NO Refund. 2. You MUST NOT change the details of the account until the service has been completed, doing so will result in a void service with NO Refund. 3. If there are any items required for the service, it is between you and the service owner to come to an agreement on who covers them 4. You MUST change your password after the service is completed 5. If you have any substantial wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it (Either Bank Pin/Transfer Trade) 6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback for the relevant parties involved 7. You MUST Post on the service thread to acknowledge their individual T.O.S and start the service 8. If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting) I have the right to decline any order. If an order is cancled by me a full refund will be recieved. You will pay upfront or a MM will be used. Any bans on the accounts created after the service is finished are not my responsibility. You will leave a feedback upon recieving your farm. You will never trade any payment to me without a PM sent from my account (this is to avoid you getting scammed)!
  4. if you need help making it hit me up, i am pretty decent with html,javascript and css
  5. any reason why while i have over 2.5k in my bank or in my inv it is stuck on withdrawing more money?
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