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Scripter I
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Everything posted by HunterRS

  1. Basic package: - includes a private script ment to preform one task (for example, kill zulrah, craft air orbs, barrows etc.) - A nice paint that will include all of the information requested and available - An Optional GUI for custom setup - Optional CLI support Intermediate package: - All of the items in the basic package - Basic farm automation: - After preforming the method for X amount of time, sell the products, buy more supplies if needed and mule the profits Advanced package: - All of the items in the intermediate package - Account setup. - For example, start script on a brand new account, the script will trade started mule for supplies, train needed levels for the method, preform the method, sell products, resupply and repeat. Farmer package: - All of the items in the advanced package - A farm manager made by me specifically designed to automate farming. The manager supports: 1. Account registration, register accounts on the RS website and store their details in a DataBase. 2. Multiple scripts , for example: tutorial island -> goblin killer -> clay miner 3. Account set stock, keep a minimal stock of ready to farm accounts at all times. 4. Account replacement on ban, replaces an account when one is banned and start training a new basic account. 5. DataBase support, a database keeps track of any details you wish for that are farm related. For example: account stats, account wealth, account running time, account creation time etc.. 6. Free setup and technical help. For more information Add my discord "hunter#8066" or, post below 1. If you request a script that I do not have an account for, you must provide an account. 2. You will tell me exactly what you want from the start. 3. Once the script is sent, there will be no refunds. Getting banned is not a reason for a refund. 4. I have the right to decline any scripts. 5. Bug fixes are free for life! 6. Sharing of private scripts is not allowed 7. You are not allowed to resell the script or claim it as your own. The script is made for you specifically and you cannot share it.  8. If you distribute the script to anyone else, you automatically lose your warranty on it and it will never be fixed if broken. Vouches
  2. HunterRS

    Coal bag

    For such small things it is much quicker to manualy do it than write a script that saves the configs, fills the bag, saves configs, empties bag, saves configs. Even if you write a general script and just use a handler for the fill/empty it is much simpler to just do it manually with the debuger. Takes 2 seconds. Just my personal prefferance though.
  3. Look into import org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.Filter; Edit: also, you might want to look at what value's specifc functions return and what you are giving them. That might help shed some light on what you are doing wrong.
  4. The API docs are great. You just need to put in the time to learn it. You will never have an api that just gives you exactly what you need when you need it. You need to learn it and practice it. It is a program like anyother and only with practice you will get better at using it and knowing it.
  5. Gl with this.... no one going over applications
  6. Can sell you a script I created for making air orb accounts. It currently achieves 20-20-40 melee and 66 mage, can change that if you want. PM me if interested
  7. Not mine: import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; public class Exchange { private static HashMap<Integer, Integer> cache = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); public static String getData(int itemID) { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("https://api.rsbuddy.com/grandExchange?a=guidePrice&i="); sb.append(String.valueOf(itemID)); InputStream inputStream = new URL(sb.toString()).openStream(); InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader); String line; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains("{")) { sb = new StringBuilder(line); sb.deleteCharAt(0); return sb.toString(); } } } catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); } return null; } public static String[] parseData(String data) { ArrayList<String> holder = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] parts = data.split(","); //Now we have strings in format "x":y for (String s : parts) { s = s.replace("\"", ""); //Remove " - now in format x:y holder.add(s.split(":")[1]); //Extract y from format x:y } String[] ret = new String[holder.size()]; return holder.toArray(ret); } public static int getPrice(int itemID) { if (itemID == 995) return 1; if (cache.containsKey(itemID)) { return cache.get(itemID); } String[] data = parseData(getData(itemID)); int price = Integer.valueOf(data[0]); cache.put(itemID, price); return price; } } Use: Item item = getInventory().getItem("Coal"); int price = Exchange.getPrice(item.getId())
  8. Color tile: Position tile; g.fillPolygon(tile.getPolygon(bot)); Check if specif object on tile: RS2Object obj; Position tile; if(obj.getPosition().equals(tile){ //your code here } You can combine the above code with a filter to filter out objects based on name or what ever you want
  9. I learned Java by myself 6 years ago by going over a RSPS source... From there I moved to loads of different things like c#, python, C, and webdev. It is extremely possible to learn programming by yourself. Have fun with it, learn from your mistakes and keep taking on new challanges and you will learn in no time.
  10. Did you open the normal rs client and osBot on mirror mode?
  11. It is very dependant on the script you use. I don't think there is a general thread for it...
  12. Correct me if I am wrong, you are trying to write Random.nextGaussian() by only using java's normal random generator?
  13. You need to check 3 things before you interact: 1. That you are actually wearing the ring. 2. that the equipment tab is open. 3. ring has charges.
  14. Use a private script to do all of that
  15. Plan your time to the minute, you'll be amazed at how much free time will just "show up"
  16. I have a script that makes them. PM me if interested
  17. Maybe you dont have priviliges to that location? Try starting by copying it to the same folder under a differant name
  18. that is correct, but inorder to copy the file you must first open it correct? for the whole task you need to: 1. Get file name 2. check if file exists etc. 3. check if the new location (the one you are moving the file too) exists so you can warn the user if it does. 4. read the file from the location 5. write the file to the new location
  19. this isn't even java buddy , this is just simple logic. You goal is to open a file that the user asked for... Lets write out our steps: 1. receive the file's location/name 2. check the string we received 3. open the file with the string.
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