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Scripter I
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Everything posted by HunterRS

  1. It was the size, please close this. (needs to be 150x150)
  2. Looks like this was my attachment problem: After cleaning it though I still can't set the avatar.
  3. Looks like I can change the profile picture to an image, but not a gif. Can't upload either a gif or an image to posts/sig though. (new images) Maybe it is the size? What size should the profile picture be?
  4. Also when ever I try to upload an attachment I get the following error: http://prntscr.com/mxyk7q sorry for link, can't upload a screenshot.....
  5. Supports gifs right? Or is it sponsor and it is just giving me a right error.
  6. I am trying to change my profile picture, tried both with URL and local file, both times after I click save it stalls and returns a 502. Anyone else? Edit: Also when ever I try to upload an attachment I get the following error: http://prntscr.com/mxyk7q sorry for link, can't upload a screenshot.....
  7. In the future, try placing some simple logs in your verify function (canProcess). For example, in this case simply adding: If (crabZone.contains(api.myPlayer()) log("contains") If (npc.isAttackable()) log("attackable") Would have greatly limit your bug searching to a specific area of the code and helped you figure out everything faster. Just some advice
  8. Look into RE and hooking methods. This could be one way
  9. getParameters() != null Is this what you are looking for or am I miss understanding?
  10. Don't bot an account you are not willing to loose, bot with a proxy, if you get banned try to appeal saying you were hacked.
  11. I am looking for a few thing: I need an avatar and signature that should be in the same theme, will discuss in PM. I also need a new paint for my AIO Jewelry maker that I am rewriting and will release soon. The paint should be in the same theme as the icon I have now, or if you have a better idea I would be willing to pay for both a new icon and a paint in a different theme. Please add my discord or post below (I will probably respond faster on discord). Can pay with PayPal balance or RSGP. Discord: hunter#8066
  12. Interesting, you could probably write a script that parses the recording file and preforms actions accordingly. How easy it will be will probably depend on the format.
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