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Everything posted by Yakumo

  1. 1m Stardust? Howd you swing that on a level 24
  2. You still in need of a quester? How many hours would you be willing to put in the service : 4+ Hours depending on what I'm doing during the day! Whats your timezone? : UK/London Do you have the requested fee 20/25m ? : 20m What's your skype ? : Hayesy5 Do you agree with our TOS? : Yes
  3. Finish and I'll buy. Looks good.
  4. You thought of adding deadman support? Just like if it gets attacked it runs to the bank and hops.
  5. Can I get a transfer from one of your other scripts to this? Would be awesome
  6. I got it. Botted crabs for 7 hours then went to do the a quest finished and at got banned atleast they let me finish it xD
  7. -Bought the gp Please close
  8. The 2 day bans will last for a year. After a year they will expire. Shoulda used mirror :P
  9. Saaame, Guess mirror is down.
  10. If you're not finding many ppl change your build.
  11. Yakumo


    You arent vip o.o You'd have the purple name and everything i have.
  12. AOE 3 is so bad AOE 2 Hd is where its at.
  13. Slayer is good for money but your point is valid. NMZ with guthans kinda makes everything too easy. 99 melee stats arent that rare anymore
  14. Congratz, Inb4 negative feedback xD
  15. Scammers.. Ppl will do anything for money. Hope for the best.
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