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Trade With Caution
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About Jeinks

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  1. I cannot refund what I didn't take. It was a nice stay. tootles.
  2. I didn't know I was going to have to prove him not having me do the service, so no, just my word.
  3. This is bogus, I'm being set up.. He pm'd me in game and told me to log off the acc that he didn't need the service any more.
  4. I am in total disbelief. I am an honest person. this is obserd.
  5. How much 07 are we talkin?
  6. Been playing runescape since 2004 Questing And there's nothing you should really need to know. I'm quick at doing quests.
  7. Damn.. Looks like I'm getting hunter 100% legit than :P
  8. With the 2 day ban, do they swipe your stats and cash?
  9. If you need quests done let me know.
  10. Yessir. give me a moment. setting up a new computer. 10 mins.
  11. Post offers! I'll consider 2m for both / 1.5m ea If they get sold quickly!
  12. That's not even all you need to not do lol, mirror on f2p still gets a pretty quick ban, first day.
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