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  1. Same w/taverly blues @Chris addendum, it works fine if safespot is toggled off, safespot breaks the script
  2. is the banrate for this not incredibly high?
  3. often it wont move to the safespot square when in combat, but very very rarely will it be in melle range and try to fight. Sometimes when not in the safespot it wont reqister that the druid you killed actually died, so it gets stuck on "fighting druid" and just get stuck and die to another druid
  4. i didnt sc it, my mistake, wht happens is that on the blue square, sometimes (rarely) it will get stuck outside of the safepoint in a spot adjacent to the druid so it gets melled to death; its not forcing movement to the safe spot https://gyazo.com/80109af96642ff5f15d857cbbe50e372
  5. that issue i cant seem to replicate; however the bot keeps getting stuck in melle and dying now and then, about 1/2 times per 3 hours
  6. it tped to bank, ring depleted, tped back to druids, finished a trip, went to altar, then got stuck on bank task cuz it couldnt tp
  7. @Khaleesihttps://gyazo.com/839a90ba9c62da3d2fa7469893773280 3 hour proggie flawless, but seems to have had an issue remembering to grab another dueling ring when the first one breaks, not sure if it was a 1 time thing, ill lyk
  8. will use glory/wealth if equipped when started, but will not swap out for a fresh one once charges run out.
  9. Missing this clue, can easily get there but bot thinks it cant @Night https://i.imgur.com/QVpRM6T.png
  10. Wont speak to the troll feiyce in the ice fe anagram Wont talk to captain barnaby to fast travel to ardy apart from that, this is a fantastic script
  11. is there a list to copypaste into loot? tables empty rn, leaving everything on floor
  12. https://gyazo.com/c283278f5f1116f05eafbaa8573d30a2 https://gyazo.com/5881da741c391cdb0f235f7f0cc2d5e8 https://gyazo.com/0cacdf2602c54b2a0e3d8c85945feaed 2 Day ban on meter
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