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  1. Currently using Blazingproxies for UK semi-dedicated SOCKS5 proxies. Quite cheap
  2. Tw3nty


    Will sell in smaller chunks. UKBT preferable but will take BTC/LTC/ETH. Edit: Sold 150m to @Decode for 0.85/m
  3. Flax picking is obviously better for the environment. Side note: Main account I was using for Zulrah literally got banned 5 minutes ago. RIP
  4. Looks like we're going back to flax picking bois
  5. PM me the price and your skype. Trusted only please
  6. Ran out of logs many times and internet kept disconnecting so had to restart many times. Don't think I ran it longer than 4 hours at a time honestly.
  7. Made a notepad with all the supplies I needed and traded them over immediately. 1-40 Magic 1-3 Wind Bolt 3-25 Confuse/Weaken/Curse 25-40 Teleports Should take less than an hour. Quests Vampire Slayer takes less than 5 minutes. Fight Arena takes around 10. 1-50 Construction Using Teleport to house/banking in castle wars took me under an hour to do 50 construction. To be fair you have to be pretty focused to do this part but once you get into a rhythm you can easily do a round trip in under 30 seconds doing oak larders. This works out to about 172k xp/hr. 38-50 is 70k xp so that's 20 minutes at the previous rate. 1-38 takes the same length of time. Don't mind sharing because I don't think I'll be making these accounts again; might not be worth it considering how fast they get banned even on a weekend.
  8. Suicide botted two accounts over the weekend. Made 15m profit after expenses. One is currently banned and I'm assuming the other will be soon. Trained both the accounts by hand and took my around 2 hours per. Route I took was 40 magic -> Vampire Slayer + Fight Arena -> 50 construction. No problem. Thank you for the script!
  9. Would recommend getting 70 defence as the account would be more appealing. Also depends massively on whether or not Regicide has been completed as the agility level/quests take a lot of time. With the stats as is (and without quests) I can't say you'd get more than 30m.
  10. In_House boolean seems to always be set to true hence the scripts tries to call servant even when in Lumbridge. Edit: Decompiled the jar myself and fixed it. Would recommend just using OSBot's isInHouse() method.
  11. Tw3nty

    Bot Farm

    This is not the type of information someone would give away for free.
  12. Post/PM the price. Trusted and done by hand only please.
  13. This is an interesting theory and would account for why private scripts tend to have lower ban rates. You mentioned in your first post that anti-ban is "just a marketing scheme" and, for the most part, I would agree. However I do think it can be used as you've described above. When I used to make simple bank standing scripts a few years ago I would include unneeded behaviour in the script just to try and mimicked some of my "ticks" from normal gameplay. One example I can think of are mouse movements towards an object before the need to click on that object; sometimes I find myself pre-hovering the next tree I would cut, sometimes I do not. I am unsure how much data Jagex collects on in-game behaviour, although in this world of big data I am sure it is a lot, but including these quirks in the form of a unique anti-ban does seem likely to help. The problem arises when this unique anti-ban is used by a mass of people; suddenly everyone is acting in a particular way and detection, based on the analysis you described above, skyrockets.
  14. Normally I would do this but since there's no animation involved with making pizzas I didn't really put much effort into thinking about it :3 A simple "while inventory still contains flour/water" is open to bugs if the player somehow gets interrupted mid pizza making, no? A static "oversleep" only happens at most once per script. If I ever feel like making this properly I'll probably look over it but this was just made to familiarize myself with Java and the API.
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