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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by RServiceGeeks

  1. Yep basically haha, I guess you don't piss people off shitting on there incompetent work.
  2. Pay does not matter its the services itself. True tbh when I order GFX I want it done soon not days, last week I paid 30$ for some work and had to wait over 6 days for it. Just starting to get a bit agitated its like there getting graphics ranks and not even applying them to anything.
  3. So I order a sig I specifically ask how long will a signature take the response is 1-2 hours. I then say ok and I explain what I want for my sig and what not. Two hours later I hit him up on skype like hey any update the response I get is " o sorry man just getting my new PC up will start now" I'm like ok so 1-2 hours right he's like " I can do blah blah blah tonight and finish the rest in the morning. I'm like naw man just cancel my order that defeats the whole purpose of me asking the time frame of a sig 1-2 hours. Then I tell him nvm and he tell me "YOU CANT EXPECT QUALITY WORK IN 2 HOURS" yet he quotes me 1-2 hours for a sig so I must have been going to get some shitty work then he goes on to send me this. Like wtf is it be or am I just self centered
  4. Looks good ill be reading it once everything is up.
  5. Awkward I've been botting for so long without bans using mirror mode.
  6. 1-85+ Agility on 5 accounts with Khals Agility and 1-90+ Mining with Khals motherloade.
  7. Well hopefully all of you know how to cook because I will not visit your homes for free a good dinner would be nice thank you.
  8. Google your pc name and brand and it will tell you how to factory reset it I know if you have an Acer it is ALT+F10
  9. Basically you have to let programs that you trust through your firewalls manually believe it can be done in the control panel >programs.
  10. Visiting Belgium this week, going to be around the Ardennes region. My grandfather die last year so going up there just to get a feel of what he endured in the battle of Bulge, the last few weeks I have just been overwhelmed with the thought of the bond him and I had, and the stories I was told of how they were treated as African American soldiers of the 333rd division I guess I need closure. Well if anyone has ever been around that area and know some good historical landmarks and what not that I can visit please feel free to post.
  11. Need a signature done need it done today meaning 24 hours no more than that, of you can do it HMU ill pay what you charge.
  12. Took all my damn money playing Texas Hold'em and REKT me from chatbox hmmm this shit ain't over MALDESTO ill be back tomorrow with my BANK. Good Night all. #teamthinkingofamasterplan
  13. Shidd idk what I did ill talk to Mald later I guess right now I'm flocked with paperwork from day one on the intern job.
  14. lol REKT I think I'm banned from chat box now C'ya in 1 year in there lol.
  15. Set your heap to default and do not performance debug.
  16. No it does not work good with frost barrows, id say bot something else. Maybe finding a sophisticated script to bot on such a high level account so you can possible make a bit more money. If I were you id do something such as trying to get some hard levels if your ever planning on selling the account to make the value of the account go up. We really do not have any really good flawless money making scripts to be honest RC is a bit of money but the ban rate is horrific. Id say bot like 99 agility or something to boost up the accounts overall value.
  17. Its possible but highly unlikely that they take the time to IP ban 1 address.
  18. The fuck you hating on Muffins for the guy obviously has shown his loyalty in some way and is improving on his recent mistakes, he is showing great leadership and helping people out in ways that others are not. Just because you did not get CBA like you wanted does not give you the right to throw shade on someone else. If Maldesto and other moderators thought he was a risk to the community he would not be here unlike some of the people hating on him. Its no my place to throw shade on anyone so ill keep my comments to myself you know who you are.
  19. Cause its not on the SDN I'm guessing.
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