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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by RServiceGeeks

  1. Ok if that's the case I'm not happy with the work id like for him to fix more of the thread then since I'm obviously going to be forced to pay for shitty service, he is an artist his priority should be to make his customers happy if that's not self explanatory then this shit is retarded. Or maybe GFX artist should have some kind of T.O.S on there damn work for a fucking change, basically scamming people. He can keep his shitty ass work.
  2. Fuck someone took my first spot.
  3. Hey sexy long time no see ..........

  4. Why would I even need to say this he is a GFX artist if this is the case I would have paid up from now wouldn't I, what's the point in doing GFX for customers if your not going to make them happy with your work that's just plain retarded. Edit: I meant to say "pay up front" misspelled it. Also if you can post the full conversations that I posted last night because he clearly left some of it out like the part when he said. "I DO NOT HAVE THE SKILLS TO MAKE THE GRAPHICS YOU WANT. "
  5. Also like I said I'm not going to pay for work I'm not going to use I clearly told him the caliber of gfx I wanted and he knew he could not give me what I needed so he should of said it in the beginning. Your not going to force my hand in paying for shitty work, not going to bully me into paying for some crap I'm not going to use IDC how long it took him he knew he could not do the work so why try and do it, and tell me way later that you could not make the GFX I wanted.
  6. Well can you post the post I made here because that us basically my responses.
  7. I have already responded x2 times last night.
  8. This is a different application process this is a new website for gaming positions those positions you are referring to is for my VPS website I will re look over applications on that today and get back with you.
  9. League of Legend Boosters & Powerleveling Application We are a new boosting company trying to enter into the League Boosting Market. We are currently looking for around 1-3 boosters for now. This amount will increase over time, so just message me on Skype about it. The amount of salary you get is 75% of what we charge for boosting before Paypal fees. We are looking for Diamond 1, Master, and Challenger Players Professionalism Well lets get to the point, I need some info from you as well(You pm or skype me this): Current division and last season's division (Need proof) If possible, win ratios for each division How many hours can you boost a day? Downpayment for League boosting is 5m you must have proof that you can boost. Runescape Questing & Powerleveling Application Job Duties: Questing, Skilling, Barbarian Minigame, Rune Defenders, FireCape and more Working Hours: Flexible; On your Free Time. Pay: You will be paid 80%-85% of service cost Requirements: RS Services/Activities. Displays a positive attitude towards the team and the customers. Team Player/Cooperative Avid Quester/Skiller Downpayment for Runescape Services & Questing is 20m CS:GO Boosters & Grinders from All Locations We receive several applications each day, so make sure you set yourself apart. Some good information to include is your previous history with CS:GO, or CS in general, your current rank, the highest rank you’ve achieved, and what time zone you’re in. Remember that you must be a Supreme Master First Class, or Global Elite. The rest is up to you! As a CS:GO booster you are looking to be paid 80-85% of the boosting price. Good luck! We hope to see some of you join our CS:GO boosting family! Downpayment for CS:GO boosting is 5m must have proof that you can boost. Live Chat Application We're looking for many sales commission agents to join our team. We are currently looking for agents in all time zones. We are currently accepting applications from all users. While we are not known as a big gold shop, we strive to bring the best customer service. A strong candidate has problem solving skills that understands the best for the company. As a agent, you will be tasked with providing support and delivering products to our customers. You are to act with professionalism and be over the age of 18. A strong agent also stays organized throughout all tasks, being able to multitask without any problems. Team members are paid 20% of the profit from their delivered orders as well as a $25-$50 monthly bonus depending on how well you represented our company for that month. Depending on the time zone and effort put in the salary range could be anywhere from $300-600per month (All depends on your effort). Please understand that because we are a newer gold shop, we will run into times of "dead times". Joining our team means you are tasked with building our brand. Downpayment for live chat is 20m an investigation will be performed before you start. WOW Leveling and Boosting Working on the hiring notes for this as we speak. That concludes the positions we are hiring for, feel free to inquire about anything else.
  10. Bot is down right now mate.
  11. Its not online right now once its online you will be able to connect.
  12. Please people just wait it out man wont be long its usually not even down a whole day before the devs get it back up.
  13. Two accounts banned yesterday both 86+ agility, might have been because I fell asleep last night and kept them running and it updated and client kept trying to log back in. Or simply for other reason I'm not sure but yet that was my first 2 accounts to be banned ever.
  14. Will only be buying with Paypal I will do my own investigation on you and choose if I want to buy the account or not. Only post accounts if you are trusted in some way or I really will not care too look at it. You can't fool me with smooth talk about yourself being legit or about registered emails or anything like that I know the deal and I know the risks so save the small talk, thank you. Please post pictures of the account stats and bank all that good stuff.
  15. Price on the main in Paypal please?
  16. Your the one who said 1-2 hours mate not me, I'm just buying the works brother and honestly its not my fault your a lousy artist I asked you before starting "hey man have time to do some gfx work" your response was "yes". Also this response is rhetorical you don't need to response just deliver your work in a timely manner like you say and problem solved.
  17. Not me I'm still botting strong.
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