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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by BawsZ

  1. thanks for the fast update! everyone saying they take long is wrong!
  2. @Maxi is more active then me wtf derank maxi yoloswag4admin2013 gogogo
  3. how is eve1 getting sponsor O_O
  4. BawsZ

    BETA v1.7.40

    good job mate. always ontop of things
  5. loool o soz, move this to spam section mods
  6. BawsZ

    Zuriox Designs

    where have you been damn.
  7. go on his profile click feedback tab click leave feedback type your comment paste the deal link submit
  8. i wna hit 1000 but what limit is botrs talking about
  9. i joined 4 days after u beastly so fk u
  10. sending plz wait my email is 69420@outlook.com
  11. put il so mikasa didnt feel lonely
  12. BawsZ

    Flawed ToS

    smart mudafk's nice very well written smart
  13. agree with everything written passing this thread onto a mod and admins t oview also subforums do suck
  14. they already have a donate system http://osbot.org/forum/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients&section=donations doesnt actually do anything on your part though
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