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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by BawsZ

  1. BawsZ


    how the .... dont you have one. get jazon to make 1
  2. BawsZ

    Fk yea

    yep now we really know its bad
  3. BawsZ

    Fk yea

    theres bad.. then theres that signature.. then theres runescape.. then theres u
  4. lol if u actually read the thread i made you would know that no one is covering it up it was a pm trap.. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/23837-pm-traps-avoiding-for-the-future/?hl=trap http://osbot.org/forum/topic/23828-pm-traps-scamming-yoloswag-clearing-his-name/?hl=trap and yes plz watch out for imposters
  5. make a control panel thingy and all that shiz
  6. Can a person that has all of the pip's get this pip instead of the one i currently have? Please
  7. BawsZ


    yep not going anywhere anytime soon
  8. BawsZ


    Just want to thank the community that has made it possible for me to get this far, i didnt think i would since i get booted off like everryyy community but this one has welcomed me with open hands so thanks for that shoutouts to all my homies you know who you are shoutout to @Violent and @Divica, they've stuck with me the whole way no matter how annoying i can get (especially divica) so thanks very much. And for violent, no matter how angry i get at him he still continues to help out so thnx. And to all my workers that are in my aio services thnx for doing a great job, so far no scams so awesome. and thanks for not banning me #Team Yoloswag fo life Ive come from this.. to this.. ps.. i still think people verified in everything should have this pip instead
  9. BawsZ


    would be funny if gh0st had a red name
  10. BawsZ


    how the fuck do peopl get banned everday then someone with the name "osbot ftw" not get banned lelele
  11. someone tell masterdrive to relax with his fucking warning points were not kids, were allowed to swear i wasnt swearing at anyone waiting so long for 1 little pip change is stupid i have rights to be angry
  12. after the post jason gets global mod lele now fix my pip
  13. l00000000000000000000000000000l??????????????????????????????????????????
  14. your pips look better then mine m8
  15. http://osbot.org/forum//public/style_extra/team_icons3/verifiedmember.png ^ that is SHIT
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