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Everything posted by Rudie

  1. Rudie

    New pc

    Take a look at this one, it's right around your budget and is really good for all your needs http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883102057
  2. Rudie

    New pc

    It's pretty good but I would look for a version with a better graphics card, this one isn't that good.
  3. Rudie

    New pc

    On your budget I would not advise you to get an Intel, there would be very little money left for other components and you don't want to get cheap shitty components.
  4. Rudie

    New pc

    GPU is just short for a graphics card, a graphics card is the component to power the visuals of your games. The FX6300 is a 6 core CPU from AMD. An SSD is a drive for storage, an SSD is flash storage and has no moving parts compared to a regular HDD so it will make less noise and will be much faster. Hoped that cleared something up for you.
  5. Rudie

    New pc

    You have to know; AMD isn't shit, it's good for buget, so in most cases their CPU's perform worse than an Intel. Also the CPU A10-7800k is an APU meaning it is a CPU + GPU in one chip so for gaming it will be worse than a dedicated graphics card but for what you are going to be using really, it's fine. You could change that CPU for a cheaper one, I recommend the AMD FX6300 if you're on a budget and spend the leftover money on a dedicated graphics card. Also add in a SSD and your tasks will run much faster than on a regular HDD, the 8GB of RAM will do just fine for your needs aswell. Overall a pretty good build but I would change a thing or two like I mentioned above.
  6. OSBot works perfectly fine on Windows 10
  7. Rudie


    Nice work, looks pretty damn good
  8. Rudie

    New Laptop

    Now that is a pretty good deal
  9. Rudie

    New Laptop

    Well if you go for a previous generation CPU with DDR3 RAM you should get cheaper options, or go for a previous generation CPU and upgrade the graphics card, also 8GB's of RAM instead of 16GB could decrease the price as well, since the tasks you want to do don't require that much RAM anyway. Performance wise; maybe it's a 5-10% performance loss, I'm not completely sure but I think you won't suffer from that at all.
  10. Rudie

    New Laptop

    Pretty high price for those specs, probably because of the new CPU/DDR4 RAM that's in it. But this will do perfectly for your needs.
  11. Download Java 8 at http://java.com
  12. Rudie

    Windows7 BSOD

    Maybe its The Sims 4, try playing another game and see if you get a BSOD
  13. Spending most money on your psu is just stupid, 80+ bronze is perfectly fine for this build, spending more money on your mobo or graphics card will benefit you more than an 80+ gold psu.
  14. Don't cut down on the motherboard, cheap motherboards will get you problems way faster than a somewhat more expensive good one. Also I'm pretty sure he would need a new Skylake or X99 cpu to even support DDR4 RAM.
  15. Remove any special characters from your password such as !@#$%^&*)_+-=
  16. Rudie

    Best VPN?

    Free or paid, I'd be careful with them.
  17. Rudie

    Best VPN?

    Don't, most public vpn ip's are flagged, use proxies instead.
  18. Buy a $10 dollar voucher from the site and use it for VIP, it doesn't require a credit card for that, no need to buy with RSGP.
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