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Everything posted by Rudie

  1. Just thought about it and yes I could have done that and might change it in the script to clean it up. But please keep in mind that I'm a learning Java developer and was just doing everything I could to get it to work. Thanks for pointing out that that is a stupid way to do it, that way I keep learning and keep getting better at programming in Java I have tried doing it by doing myPosition.getX() + 1 but it would add the number right after the coord so like if the coord was 3444 it would change to 34441, I remembered this was a problem once in my class at javascript where we had to do something similiar to this and the teacher told us about parseInt, I looked it up if there was something like that in Java and eventually did it that way.
  2. I know it is a horrible way of doing it but I couldn't get it to work any other way, but it worked so I didn't care to change it.
  3. And why would I believe you?
  4. On the thread one of the developers made it said that that was the concept.
  5. Yes, that way Jagex can't detect you are running on a modified client, the only way they could find out is by looking at your actions.
  6. That was from a random event I completed before taking the screenshot :P and it sometimes accidentally picks up items but those that get dropped at Minotaurs aren't really that great tho. Could add this feature if enough people would want it though.
  7. Got it, this is working for me right now: RS2Object fire = objects.closest("Fire"); if(fire.getY() == myPlayer().getY() && fire.getX() == myPlayer().getX()) { int a = Integer.parseInt(""+myPlayer().getY()+""); int b = Integer.parseInt(""+a+"") + 1 ; int c = Integer.parseInt(""+myPlayer().getX()+""); int d = Integer.parseInt(""+c+"") + 1 ; Position path = new Position(d, b, 0); path.interact(bot, "Walk here"); log("ot works"); sleep(random(150, 250)); } Thanks for everyone who tried to help!
  8. I know what the problem is, it can't move just 1 tile it has to be more than a certain amount. If I changed it to +5 tiles it would work. Now, is there a way that it can move just 1 tile? Thanks.
  9. I get this error: The method interact(Bot, String...) in the type Position is not applicable for the arguments (String) Still need this, localwalker wont walk for me to that specific tile..
  10. It just doesn't want to walk it just tries to light another log.
  11. In my firemaking script I'm working on I want that if it accidentally wants to light fires at a tile where already is a fire to move a coord. This is what I've tried: RS2Object fire = objects.closest("Fire"); if(fire.getY() == myPlayer().getY()) { mouse.click(myPlayer().getX(), myPlayer().getY() + 1, true); log("help"); } (Placed the log "help" there to debug and yes it does spam help in the console.) This doesn't work, I've also tried with the MessageListener like this: if (txt.contains("light a fire here")) { mouse.click(myPlayer().getX(), myPlayer().getY() + 1, true); sleep(random(150, 250)); } But none of it works, so I'm wondering is it broken in the API or is there another better way to do this? Cause I really need it. Thanks, Rudie.
  12. Thanks, haven't been making scripts for a long ass time, it was fun to make this .
  13. By: Rudie About Hello and welcome to my first script for OSBot, this scripts basically picks up normal bones and buries them instantly for prayer exp. It should work at any location where a lot of bones spawn, haven't tested at other locations than level 1 Stronghold of Security @ Minotaurs but it should work fine anywhere else. Features Picks up bones and buries them anywhere Simple Antiban Simple, yet informative paint Fast and easy to use How does it work Here's an image so you can see how it performs: Download Precompiled .jar file available for download here: Download Proggy's 1 Hour: Changelog V1.1 New paint and performance enhancement V1.0 Official Release Credits Rudie Thank you, if you have found a bug please report them and I'll ty to fix them.
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