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Everything posted by Rudie

  1. Congratulations! I'm happy for you
  2. Don't listen, vote , for will be victorious !
  3. I think it's clear who the winner is, add already
  4. Shut up Anne, you hurt my feelings
  5. Do you not see how important this is! We need !!!
  6. Yes is winning, go make fake accounts and vote boys!!
  7. 5 pairs of socks == 5 socks You must be retarded
  8. Instructions were unclear, got my dick stuck in a toaster
  9. Mirror updates automatically now just like the regular client
  10. Update your Java to Java 8, you can get the newest version at http://java.com
  11. Try doing just: getInventory().getAmount("Goblin mail") You should actually also check if you aren't already in the area: private State getState(){ if(getInventory().getAmount("Goblin mail") >= 3 && !GOBLIN_AREA.contains(myPlayer())) { return State.WALK_TO_GOBLIN; } return State.BANK; } Plus you check the inventory for "goblin mail", not sure if getting an item from inventory is case sensitive but it should be "Goblin mail".
  12. getAmount() returns an integer, meaning you can check if the value equals the amount you want or is higher than the amount you want with basic operators: if(inventory.getItem(item).getAmount() >= 3) { //if inventory contains 3 or more of item, returns true //code to execute when true }
  13. 1: getInventory().getItem(item).getAmount() 2: if(!GOBLIN_AREA.contains(myPlayer())) { getWalking().webWalk(GOBLIN_AREA); }
  14. Looking to buy 12m, pm me or contact me on Skype with your rates. Skype: rudie.visser
  15. Rudie

    IP Display Changer

    @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { changeFrameTitle("OSBot (" + getCurrentIPAddress() + ")"); stop(false); return 0; } changeFrameTitle("OSBot (" + getCurrentIPAddress() + ")"); stop(false); stop(false);
  16. Use private proxies, don't use a vpn, if you're using a public one most of the IP's are already flagged.
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