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Everything posted by TwitchFast

  1. People really need to make decent 5760x1080 wallpapers, they're all space ones and that doesn't interest me in the slightest.
  2. You should be able to drop the 280 down to a 270, though personally I wouldn't recommend it in case you play something more demanding in future.
  3. This is why someone with very little/no knowledge on the subject shouldn't assume I don't know what I'm doing. I won't go into the details, but AMD's minimum is a lie, it's to cover their asses if the end-user has an extremely low quality PSU that cannot provide enough power for the card. Even my system can't pull 400 watts and my system is considerably more powerful. I'll make sure I get back to you, I have college in a few minutes. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/yjH623 While I don't know of any sources for CS:GO/Starcraft/LoL benchmarks, I can assure you the system will play them flawlessly at 1600x900.
  4. CPU clocked at 4.6GHz, the GPU is clocked at 1240MHz (without a voltage increase)
  5. Not a "gamer" computer, just one with a stronger processor. Your current one is quite old and isn't very powerful.
  6. There's nothing you can do to reduce CPU load unfortunately, even overclocking won't do. Your desktop may be able to be saved depending what socket it's on, could you provide the specs?
  7. Since assumptions are being made, I never said more however, even if Microsoft did have any slave labor at least they could leave unlike Apple's workers. Mac is only good in the sense that even the most technophobe users can grasp it - I will definitely admit OSX has better scaling algorithms in general, the eruption of 4K made that far too clear. Considering Linux was distributed under GPL, they shouldn't be able to do that assuming it's true. Either way this is getting off-topic, so I'll leave it here.
  8. I'd much rather Microsoft than a company that is indifferent to slave labor and prioritizes aesthetics over functionality. Plastic is considerably more practical than aluminium for a phone, especially in those kinds of widths.
  9. This is quite likely the best thing I've heard of, Apple is a brand that needs to disappear. Very interesting that it's bending at the volume rocker though, makes me wonder if the iPhone 6 will also bend, albeit with more force.
  10. I suspect it's fake, the article itself suggests it.
  11. Call me crazy, your system is upside down xD Call me stupid, I forgot that case is like that. I personally prefer it that way as well, it lets you see the fancy design on your graphics card - I also meant to ask, how is the system for whatever you do?
  12. xD Prebuilt systems often have the budget poorly distributed among the components, resulting in a system that performs considerably worse than one tailored to your needs. You will have to build it, but there are hundreds of guides available, and if you want more help, you can always pm me.
  13. 4GB of memory is fine for games, the fact that one has 8GB is laughable because the system itself could never use that RAM before the CPU or the onboard GPU caps out. A GTX 650 vs R9 270 (the one in my build I linked) http://www.hwcompare.com/16565/geforce-gtx-650-vs-radeon-r9-270/
  14. Yeah that's not cheap at all, you could get a considerably more powerful system for that money. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/hp2ZWZ
  15. I don't let it bother me, 9 out of 10 people on these kinds of forums has an inkling of knowledge on hardware, and even then it's usually misinformed.
  16. While they're capable of gaming for the most part, by no means is that laptop worth even half of £900. Idk why you linked a 4th gen i3 page, because it's Sandybridge which means it's two architectures behind 4th gen. TLDR; That laptop IS crap, there's no two-ways about it.
  17. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/7RRYf7 Slightly over $1000, but the extra $24 gets you an R9 290 which is a very good card. If you'd like reasons for components, I can provide.
  18. For what it's worth, the laptop you recommended wouldn't run league at nice settings, I happen to know because I use my Intel HD4600 during the weekend and I'm forced to run ~medium settings to get playable FPS.
  19. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834231975 Slightly over $1k, keep your $5 and put that towards it.
  20. Your GPU can run multiple resolutions, though your question seems a little vague.
  21. It will run as many instances of Runescape as it previously could, but increasing the resolution will make it harder for the graphics cards to play games like Battlefield/Far Cry, basically anything that's graphically intensive will become even more intensive.
  22. You need to change the resolution, so you'll want 2560 x 1440 (2k) or 3840 x 2160 (4k). 2K (http://pcpartpicker.com/part/crossover-monitor-27qdledblade) 4K (http://pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-monitor-u28d590d) I will mention that your graphics card(s) CAN handle 4k, but they won't play games effectively at 4k, nor 2k.
  23. Coolant can be fairly similar to car coolant believe it or not, glycogen if I recall correctly can be added to some coolants to increase the boiling temperature. It is literally exactly the same as a car radiator.
  24. Well for one thing, you never mentioned your current resolution, we can't recommend monitors for you if you don't tell us your current resolution.
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