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Everything posted by TwitchFast

  1. The top (where you would mount the 240mm radiator) has a ridiculous "fin" design that is flimsy and a pain in the ass, which makes it impossible to mount a radiator with fans. OP modded his and removed the fins from what I can tell, it's just poorly designed from what I experienced. What kind of budget are you looking at? A premium quality case such as the Fractal Define R4 is ridiculously well built and includes pre-applied sound-dampening foam.
  2. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/zalman-case-z11 I don't recommend it if you're going to watercool anything, I had one.
  3. Not going to lie, I fail to see why you made a loop just for the CPU, especially when the CPU benefits far less than the GPU which would plummet in terms of temperatures. And it looks like (can't see very well) that you use compression fittings, which cost a bomb, I would've just stayed with aircooling and bought stronger hardware. Also, I feel your pain, the Zalman Z11 isn't the best for a top mounted 240mm radiator, I bought a new case because of that issue.
  4. While I won't recommend an Antivirus, because nearly all of them except Avast have caused very irritable problems for me, avoid ComboFix at all costs. I'm only warning you on the off-chance you find it or hear of it, it's actually good if you know what you're doing yet the majority of people that recommend it have zero knowledge on how the program functions.
  5. And the controversial video comes back. The 3570k does not outperform all of AMD's processors, especially "by far" in gaming. The only thing the 3570k is better for is Emulation, but few people bother with it. Also, this thread really isn't for debating, even though everyone seems to think it's a great idea.
  6. I believe they do, however you need an invite code to purchase one. If you can get an invite, you can order from here.
  7. It's actually quite cheap, as it rivals HTC's best phone. Personally I just liked their marketing scheme. http://oneplus.net/smash
  8. It's supposed to be a top-tier phone at a very budget oriented price while not skimping on much if anything.
  9. Yes but the Define R4 is literally built like a tank and comes with sound-dampening foam already applied to the majority of the case. I had the fortune to build a system in one and never in my life have I felt a case that heavy.
  10. Multithreaded performance is required for botting as a 3570k and an FX-8350 performs the same in games but the 3570k loses in botting due to less threads. One thing you are forgetting is that processors are not the deciding factor in gaming performance, as previously mentioned the new Pentium dual core could handle most games at stock clocks with ease. You don't need high IPC. There is also sufficient RAM for botting, so there's no point saying that as the CPU will max out before the RAM does.
  11. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119263 Though if you want a quality, quiet case, I would recommend: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/fractal-design-case-fdcadefr4blo
  12. They've actually added my IP to a firewall xD I would reset my IP, but it's clear PB is no longer worth the effort.
  13. Yeah, I'd like to say I left PB, however that wasn't quite the case. And cheers ;P
  14. When gaming they would perform better, however they also perform much worse in multi-threaded applications, which in this scenario, is a factor. I also don't expect people to overclock on here, even with guidance.
  15. It's typically covered in the ToS or something, if you're an affiliate of Jagex you're not allowed to enter, that's the gist of it. In theory they are still allowed here, it's just they cannot state that they have or use evidence procured from here, as that would prove they had been here.
  16. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/LYwst6 £460 it will handle gaming with relative ease, it's a fairly powerful card. Botting it won't be so great for, but for the budget it will do pretty well. Unfortunately botting is quite demanding and requires a powerful CPU for numerous ones at once.
  17. Speaking of fanboyism, quite done? Has it ever occurred to you that Intel and AMD strive for different futures, and design their architectures around that? AMD believes that it's better to have multiple weaker cores which adds up to better multi-threaded performance, whereas Intel designs their processors to perform better at single threaded workloads (which translates over to multithreaded work). Intel processors can get much hotter than AMD's, so your argument is invalid anyway.
  18. 1.5 times better would be more accurate, since it doesn't have double the cores, it just has Hyperthreading which means you have 4 cores and 8 threads as apposed to your current 4 core and 4 thread processor.
  19. A 1GHz processor can be just as powerful if not more so than a 2GHz processor, it's entirely dependent upon the architecture. AMD typically has a weaker IPC than Intel, so Intel will have lower clockspeeds.
  20. I would recommend the Ducky Shine 3, not only is the backlighting system one of the best around, it's built like a tank. What switches are you going to get with it?
  21. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/amd-cpu-fd6350frhkbox http://pcpartpicker.com/part/amd-cpu-fd8350frhkbox Either of those should do fine, though I'd probably want the FX-8350. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i74790 ^ If you want to stay with the same motherboard.
  22. To put it simply, it won't overclock because the multiplier is locked. A more complex answer, you could overclock with the BCLK. I wouldn't recommend this because it can cause the graphics cards, the motherboard north/south bridge, your RAM and the processor itself to become unstable. Overclocking the BCLK is just a very bad idea.
  23. Just going to put it out there, the E5-1620 performs as well as a i7-4770, so anyone with a 4770 can tell you a pretty accurate guess.
  24. The 4690k cannot boost all four cores either, it's a stock factory setting. The 4690 can't be overclocked at all, you cannot change the clock speed manually, whereas the 4690k can be overclocked which means you can get extra performance.
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