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Everything posted by TwitchFast

  1. PuP = Potentially unwanted Program, I'd be surprised if they were the cause of the issue. 500w is exceedingly capable of running your system, my PC has much less efficient but powerful hardware and can barely pull 500w. Now to wait and see for freezes/crashes.
  2. I would advise entering safe mode and installing Malwarebytes from a USB stick, then proceeding to do a full scan. Chances are if it is a virus, it won't affect the system in Safe Mode because it won't be allowed to start. If for whatever reason it does allow the virus to start, hit the windows key, type in "msconfig" then proceed to change the Startup selection to "Diagnostic startup" and then reboot into Safe Mode. If Malwarebytes doesn't find anything, try a free antivirus like Avast. Also, what wattage and brand is your power supply?
  3. For laptops I wouldn't really say an i5 is worth getting anyway, laptops have really diminished performance due to the heat management so an i7 is just the safest bet. As someone that tried the highest end Intel HD graphics available, it is appalling, it's impressive they made them so energy efficient and all, but even the simplest of games like LoL won't perform well on it.
  4. The Lenovo is rather lacking to be quite honest, the processor is an i5 which isn't exactly the best for "future-proof" performance. You can apparently get it with an i7, though the price is still too high imo when it only uses Intel onboard graphics. Between the N551JQ and the N550JK, I would recommend the latter due to the fact that the main difference being RAM capacity and GPU power. THe N550JK has 8GB and an 850m, whereas The N551JQ has 16GB of RAM and no discrete card and again runs off the Intel onboard graphics.
  5. Imo they're the only type of laptop worth getting as they're as portable as it gets. I personally would suggest high resolution displays as well, especially if you're not gaming which usually limits you to 1080p or less.
  6. http://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-Yoga-Convertible-Ultrabook-Tablet/dp/B00G1PQVPQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1419286318&sr=8-1&keywords=Lenovo+Yoga+2+Pro From what I have read and seen, the Lenovo Yoga is a very nice laptop, though it is on the smaller side. The smaller form factor will make it naturally more portable, but the display will be significantly more crisp while retaining the 3200x1800 resolution. Idk about you, but I find IPS panels irreplaceable and fortunately the Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro has an IPS display.
  7. In which case I would recommend the Dell XPS 15, albeit a strange resolution, it's divisible by 4 meaning you can render games at 1600x900 and upscale without any issues for gaming if need be. Though I'd imagine higher than 1080p is useless for the majority of media right now, it will be good for any workflow and multitasking situations.
  8. m8 u wot? http://www.amazon.com/G750JZ-DS71-17-3-inch-Gaming-GeForce-Graphics/dp/B00IAACWH6/ref=sr_1_29?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1419280659&sr=1-29 This is essentially the best laptop I could find for ~$2000, it's not windows 7 unfortunately but every windows 7 laptop I find has either outdated hardware or just woefully inadequate hardware. I also noticed the XPS 15 has a 3200x1800 resolution, I don't suppose you were looking for a high resolution display? I typically advise against that on anything but a desktop due to the severe lack of performance it will result in, even on the highest end laptops.
  9. I'm confused as to why you think it might be the GPU. You can pull your GPU out because your processor is an APU, meaning you can tell if it is the graphics card or not. The 280 is a good card, 500w should be enough for your system as well.
  10. I would recommend this; http://www.amazon.com/Acer-Aspire-V3-572G-587W-15-6-Inch-Platinum/dp/B00K81O3PY/ref=sr_1_1?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1417134646&sr=1-1 It has a slightly more powerful processor but a much more powerful GPU, it is also better than the one you just linked above.
  11. The third one is the best in terms of processing power and GPU power, though I will warn you, they are all extremely lacking in GPU power so don't expect much gaming if at all.
  12. A quiet system, comfy chair and lots of monitors. A quality pair of headphones too.
  13. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/x2mDMp I always aim for the shortest RAM possible, I owned the Hyper 212 Evo and there were clearance issues with that RAM you just linked ;P So I always pick the ones with smaller heatsinks to ensure it's all compatible. Heatsinks on RAM don't really do anything, so you needn't worry about that, RAM just doesn't get hot.
  14. The performance increase is substantial, however for your usage, even the 4790 is overkill. If you were to upgrade further, I would look into either more RAM (if necessary) or another 980, as games are extremely hard to run at high settings nowadays. Or you could invest in a new monitor, a 2560x1440 IPS panel or something.
  15. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/CCGLjX If you have any questions about the choices, ask and I'll explain.
  16. Just got back from College, luckily for you I am very much interested in quiet systems, so I have spent a fair amount of time researching. 1400 Euros is a very healthy budget imo, it will get you a system that would easily meet your requirements. I don't suppose you know how I could share the build from that site do you? I can't seem to find any method of doing it.
  17. If you can't maintain a solid backlight, then I would recommend either no logo or look into a solid backlight. Uneven lighting or just a coloured logo just looks cheap I'm afraid, imo lighting is a very difficult thing to get right.
  18. The Surface Pro 3 keyboard is actually good from what I've heard. http://youtu.be/K7c-FQflLm8?t=1m15s Watch the whole review if you want more info.
  19. The Pro 3 has a higher resolution than the Pro 2 (2160x1440 / 1920x1080) The Pro 3 has better battery life compared to the Pro 2. The Pro 3 has two 5 megapixel cameras, the Pro 2 has two 0.9 megapixel cameras. You can expect more processing power (CPU-wise) from the Pro 3 as they range from i3/i5/i7 while the Pro 2 only supports an i5.
  20. Dislikes; The uneven lighting at the bottom is extremely off-putting The vents-like slits on the side are likely going to be abrasive and uncomfortable No specs?
  21. It's refurbished, but it's the best I can find for your budget http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834314715 The processor is only a dual-core, but it's roughly 2.5x more powerful core-for-core.
  22. I'll have to look in the morning I'm afraid, it's quarter to 4 and I have College in the morning
  23. The A8 is weaker than the Pentium.
  24. The first laptop would be best for your needs for a multitude of reasons, namely the extra 2GB of RAM and the processor is better. Your second choice, coincidentally, should be the second laptop, it's the second most powerful in terms of processing power which is required for botting.
  25. Their temperature probes are more accurate the hotter they get, fml. Anything below 30 is pretty much inaccurate.
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