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Everything posted by TwitchFast

  1. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/zPJj7P I would have added an SSD, however it would result in sacrifices in either the CPU, GPU or case.
  2. If you post specifications of your current system, I'll see if there's much worth in upgrading it. A program such as Speccy is useful for a simple readout of your specs, also doubles as a temperature program if you were curious about that. To save time, if I feel it's not worth upgrading and instead think you should build a new system, what is your budget and what will the system be used for.
  3. Didn't notice you had edited your message as the thread hadn't notified me. Now the problem is, it could be one of two things; Genuinely overheating, which means it's not a hard fix, a cheap cooler like a Hyper 212 Evo (if it fits in your case) is a great cooler for a budget. Or it's not overheating but has a dodgy temperature probe (far likelier than you think), which means the problem could even be your PSU.
  4. I'm going to go with the assumption your system is overheating, and I'll also assume your CPU has faulty temperature sensors (common among FX chips), meaning it's difficult to actually determine if it is the issue or not. Given your motherboard is so damn hot, I would suggest giving it a quick blow down to remove any dust they may have built up. If you have filters on your case, give them a quick clean as well. Given that Speccy can't seem to locate the sensor address, try: http://www.amd.com/en-us/markets/game/downloads/overdrive It's software designed by AMD, so if that can't identify your sensors, then I doubt anything could. If it does detect them, play the game and monitor the temperature periodically.
  5. As long as the monitor has an IPS panel, digital input (HDMI/DVI/DisplayPort) and 1080p, then it's a great addition. If you can provide a link to a store which is in your country, I'll find a monitor for you, though I'll also need to know your budget (in your currency)
  6. Their Keyboards aren't worth it now imo, they ditched Cherry branded switches and use their own crappy chinese ones.
  7. O_O I think I have one of your Xeon processors on my table atm lol. I would like to try give a rough calculation, but that's a very vast difference of architecture so I suspect I couldn't even give a rough estimate. On the plus side, anyone with the processor in question should be able to give you a relatively accurate result.
  8. That I'm afraid I can't answer, as I haven't botted in ~3 years, let alone using OSBot. I'm confident the CPU will be your limiting factor for build 1 and 2, however for the third build it might actually use the entirety of your RAM. What is your current CPU in order to give me a general idea, and how many can you run on that.
  9. The $600 build (not quite $600) http://pcpartpicker.com/p/FwzgHx The $1000/1200 build (again not quite hitting the budget): http://pcpartpicker.com/p/QxHDFT The actual $1000/1200 build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Mvj7Hx This build is particularly powerful, and as such required a PSU upgrade to ensure it would run fine if you were to add a power hungry GPU to make it gaming-ready. This build also has no possible method of displaying an output, which means I had to pick a GPU, so for the time being I picked the cheapest so you can at least use it for botting. I didn't include the PCI ethernet that you listed in your build as it's not necessary, as that feature is nearly always included on a motherboard, the wireless however isn't so I added that. Every build listed can have a graphics card added (or replaced in the case of Build #3) to destroy games depending on the card you purchase.
  10. And that's where you're wrong, i5's are nowhere near as cost effective as AMD's FX line-up due to their significant price drops, this holds especially true for botting where Intel has no cost-efficient processors until ~4790k. Win 10 is going to perform like crap, they fired their old employees who designed Windows 8 (which is fucking phenomenal by the way), don't expect Windows 10 to be anything short of disappointment. The GTX 750 Ti is medium tier if you never intended to run modern games satisfactorily, and will inevitably need replacing within a short period of time due to significant advances in both GPU technology and API's. I'm still quite bemused you think your build (which is riveted with flaws) is good. You picked a "K" skew CPU, with a H97M chipset board which does not overclock, therefore essentially throwing away his money on a feature he physically CANNOT use. You then pick Airflow designed fans for a case that already has static pressure fans in place, again a negative because you're actually reducing airflow by making this change. This pains me to say again that your build is bad for what he wants, and that an i5 is NOT good for botting and is substantially worse than a CPU that is designed for multithreaded workloads (FX-8350).
  11. An i5 is not better than the FX-9590, the issue is the FX-9590 is a ridiculous product that should never have come into existence, it is still better than any current i5 available though. As of now, Windows 10 is crap and is extremely inefficient, I can speak from knowledge because I used it and have zero regrets moving back onto 8.1. The GTX 750 Ti is also a waste of both money and electricity when you consider this build is (seemingly) not for gaming, even if it were, a 750 Ti is not capable. To be quite blunt, that's a badly distributed build for his use-case scenario.
  12. I can easily do two, however I need to know if you intend to play games on them, that way I can properly tailor it to your needs.
  13. Upon further clarification ^, I can say you better provide a budget because I can easily list a build that's ridiculously expensive and truly catered to botting. Also, since you said it's for running as many bots as possible, why do you have a GTX 970 in the aforementioned build?
  14. I'll re-do your build in a ~ 20 minutes. The FX-8350 is, the FX-9590 costs more than the intel equivalent simply because you pay more for cooling and a durable enough motherboard for it. The FX-9590 is actually terrible for performance, it's a highly cherry-picked FX-8350 (they're literally the same chip) with different clock speeds and a LOT more voltage.
  15. That is not a good build, namely because of the CPU. First off the cooler will not handle the FX-9590 simply due to the fact that it draws ~250w alone and NEEDS a high end liquid cooling unit to keep it adequately cooled. That motherboard isn't rated for the disgusting 220w power draw required for that CPU either, meaning you'll likely end up with a VERY hot or dead motherboard. Really though, change that CPU to a sensible option, because there are literally thousands out there that make more sense.
  16. Simple warm soapy water has always worked for me, just avoid using anything abrasive, though I doubt you could scratch it with a rough cloth given my cat scratches the shit out of my screen and it remains perfect.
  17. Really wanted to recommend this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA24G1S91007 As you said she would like a large screen, she might as well have a 1080p panel to ensure it won't look like utter crap, however it's out of stock. If the above isn't available when you get around to purchasing one, this would be the alternative: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA6R42AH7040 Only 1600x900, but a good quality display with a relatively strong CPU which will aid the Pinterest/Facebook raiding.
  18. We can actually see more than 60 FPS, not to mention you can't really quantify what the human eye can see in FPS.
  19. Quality aside, their keyboards are too similar to laptops imo, I prefer proud keys as opposed to flat ones. Each to their own I guess ;P I just like tactile feedback.
  20. I would recommend something akin to: http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-900X3B-A02-13-3-Inch-Laptop-Mineral/dp/B007PV9WY2/ref=sr_1_478?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1426973570&sr=1-478&keywords=laptop Onboard video (more than capable for your usage), in fact it's better than a dedicated card as it's more efficient. 1600x900 PLS display (a good panel) 1.6GHz i5, again more than capable for your intended usage. Also has a 128GB SSD, particularly nice imo for seamless work processing and the like.
  21. Yeah, love to see a company actually care about their quality control. Razer's switches tend to vary in grams required to actuate the switch, even for the same colours, which just means their QC is not very good because the tolerances are not tight enough.
  22. 30KG is because of all the liquid and hard drives. If you were willing to drop the resolution of League to 720p and upscale to 1080p that would be your best bet, though you would likely have to tweak settings in a Custom game.
  23. Been looking around, there literally isn't a thin laptop with a GPU (because it's necessary to have a GPU for LoL) To be quite honest I don't quite understand what makes a laptop more portable than another (aside from physical size) because I lug around my tower which weighs ~30kg(66lbs), and that's no problem for me. To my understanding, battery life is the only factor imo.
  24. All the specs are good apart from the onboard video, that won't handle LoL. I know it won't handle LoL because it's worse than my onboard video and mine couldn't run LoL. Wait, you like Razer but you don't want their laptops lol?
  25. Yeaaah no. They copied Cherry's design, then had it manufactured in china where the quality control is considerably worse, to the point that the key switches actually vary in grams of force required to actuate the switch. TLDR: Razer is the pretty girl with a shitty attitude.
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