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Everything posted by TwitchFast

  1. First off, you'll never get a discrete powerful laptop that's thin, especially if you mean a laptop with a lot of GPU power. Just to clarify, do you intend to game (GPU intensive) on it? Or CPU intensive tasks.
  2. If anything, it's the complete opposite. The only market AMD is relatively capable in is their GPU's. Intel is literally running miles ahead with their silicon manufacturing development (plus development into indium antimonide), whereas AMD is forced to stick with old standards because they don't develop their silicon, an external generic company does it and sells the designs to processor manufacturers. Currently AMD better than Nvidia simply due to their bang for your buck.
  3. How could you go wrong with chinese knock-offs of Cherry MX switches? Razer is the past for anyone who knows about mechanical switches.
  4. *If you plan on not gaming, let's be serious, AMD's GPU prices are far too good right now.
  5. Yeah for a reliable overclock you would want the 990FX chipset, which will set you behind when you consider the cheaper varieties such as the 970 chipset etc. I once did an overclock on a non-overclocking chipset, the voltage regulators got so hot that they tempered the rear IO shield (much like the exhaust on a bike)
  6. Idk if I said it on this forum or not, but overclocking a 6300 would cost more than buying an FX-8350 while performing worse. Also, I'm not sure my processor would handle 15-20 bots all that comfortably, let alone an FX-6300.
  7. Tbh it's not easy to break hardware, you'd have to drop it or something in order to potentially damage something. Static is a concern, but I and many people I know who build PCs have never killed hardware with static. It's kinda common-sense as to what you can and can't do with the hardware.
  8. Nah that website just locates the cheapest shops with that particular piece of hardware, theoretically saving you money. Building a PC really isn't hard if everything has been picked out for you, because it will all be compatible. Plus there's a lot of reputable guides out there such as LinusTechTips etc.
  9. Usually the brand will bring different benefits to the motherboard, ASRock is typically a cheap manufacturer (who I personally do not recommend) On Intel's side, you'll get "B", "H", "Z" and "X" boards, this will determine what grade it is. B = Business, lacks a lot of features, has the essentials for a operable PC. H = Mainstream board, also lacks a lot of features but will likely have more interfaces (USB etc) Z = Higher end mainstream, will typically have overclocking features and usually has software to accompany it. X = Top of the range, highest end board with extreme amounts of upgrade paths. Typically the board letter will determine what chipset number it is, for example "Z" is usually Z*7, the * denotes what socket type it is. Depending on the CPU you want, your motherboard choice will be limited to a certain socket, and the newer the chipset (and CPU), the more benefits you will get. If you're not overclocking, anything like a "H" or "B" is your best bet because there's no point overpaying for features you will never use.
  10. High-end GPU build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ZfsbZL A more conservative GPU: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/NcZ4mG Both builds will destroy everything you mentioned you want to do, i7 is not necessary given your use-case scenario. I personally would recommend keeping the SSD for your commonly used programs etc, however it isn't necessary and can be removed. If you need any help when building it, you can contact me on Skype; ArcanaFXS
  11. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kCqjK8 Will easily handle LoL but I can't guarantee for other games such as modern AAA titles, naturally due to the budget, same reason the RAM is only 4GB (which is perfectly usable)
  12. Funnily enough, my system isn't all that powerful. i5-4670k, 16GB (2x8GB) RAM, 780 Ti and a shitload of storage. It's just even I (a resource whore) can't use all of my RAM, let alone 24GB ;P
  13. Tbh it wasn't good advice lol, the PSU is good but the RAM upgrade is appalling, even I can't use 24GB and I run virtual machines + 30-40 chrome tabs + a bunch of utilities in the background xD The GPU and PSU are both welcome additions, you'll definitely feel the performance increase with that card. A bit of a shame about the RAM, unnecessary expenditure.
  14. In which case, I would appreciate if it were unlocked as I still intend to help people via that thread.
  15. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/56982-computer-build-service/ No notification was given as to why it should be locked, nor is there anything within the thread that would warrant this.
  16. It's unfortunate, but a lot of local shops will contain staff who simply don't know what they're doing.
  17. I'm willing to bet that's a poorly built shop system. I was correct, that PSU is a low end one that can harm your system. On the plus side, I know why your graphics card isn't "working" lol, you didn't plug the display cable into it. [url=http://i.imgur.com/NxSOo6g.jpg In this picture, I've highlighted your graphics card ports, you should find a port similar on the back of your motherboard, unplug it from your motherboard and plug it into your graphics card.
  18. Try upload to Imgur then post the link to the image That's rather strange though, have you plugged in your monitor cable (DVI/VGA/HDMI) to your GPU, not the motherboard?
  19. o_o Could you get a picture, 'cause that sounds like it may be a bottom-end one.
  20. Yeah you don't actually have a graphics card lol, there's only your onboard video which is built into your CPU. You will have to take the side-panel off your case, but that's easy, you don't need to turn off or anything.
  21. Well, it confirmed my suspicions. You have bad in-game performance because you don't have a graphics card, you're running on-board graphics which is pretty awful. If you know what RAM you have (exact model) then I recommend you buy another 8GB of it, that will help for streaming. I would recommend you get a GPU, aside from that your whole PC is perfectly fine. GPU: http://www.newegg.com/global/au/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150697 If you check the side of your power supply, could you tell me what it is? Need to make sure that the power supply can handle a graphics card.
  22. Oh god xD Could you download this: https://www.piriform.com/speccy Then printscreen it once it's open, that way I have an idea of all your specs That way I can determine what needs to go, and what can stay.
  23. The reason your Windows Index rates your system ~5 is because it bases the end result from your lowest score (usually hard drive) What do you want to use the system for?
  24. Xeons can be better, however xeons typically lack single core performance, as they are designed to have as many cores as possible whilst remaining stable. "Much cheaper" is rather exaggerated.
  25. RAM frequency changes nothing in terms of performance unless you either run RAMDisks or produce content, in which case the whole build would want redesigning. 650w is overkill as well btw, the system would barely pull 350w tops, and that's with an unrealistic load.
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