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About xLoCo

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  1. This looks amazing! Cant wait for the full release!!
  2. Will this support getting easy clues from ham members or are all clue scrolls gonna be gotten from opening imps?
  3. Have the join date but not the post count / activity
  4. This will happen on any account that was banned from that long ago. Its almost a generated response. Gratz on the loot if any rares were on the account.
  5. That fight was very winnable if you followed up when Ali went in TBH no matter if Garen was TPing in or not. Even if you traded kills Ali for Garen you just traded a support for a top laner which is a win and with Anvia having blue buff + Veigar + you having your ults your team fight is better then theirs, baron or not that was not a bad call to go in on and fight instead of letting them siege with baron and you losing top inhib again.
  6. Always have a goal of what you wanna make when you go to the sand casino. You wont always hit it big but you can mess around with how much you stake and take a chance on what you will actually lose if you do lose. In the end it is always a risk, 80M isnt bad just depends on what you started with and what your bank is actually at.
  7. Trial and error man. Botting is sure as hell not like it used to be but it still can be done. It just takes a lot more time now to get moving. Test things out and see what works, you wont be able to make a fresh account and go ham for 8 + hours and pretend like you wont get banned.
  8. @ChucklePretty sure Cam didn't have the login name Fishy he just had the username. But I will reach out and ask him to try and login given this is not fake.
  9. Loving the work you done on this script since the start man! Keep up the good work!
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