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Everything posted by Muffins

  1. i just had a stroke reading this
  2. check your java version and make sure java 8 is your default.
  3. "We're investigation what we need to change."
  4. basically just think of it as VIP but for life instead of monthly. You'll get unlimited bots (across multiple machines, clients, etc.)
  5. discord = SheepWaffle#9819 we can speak there!
  6. if you're using mirror mode open an official osrs client alongside osbot.
  7. Muffins

    Family Crest

    discord = SheepWaffle#9819
  8. you literally posted an hour ago on the discord thread and you already made another thread asking to be verified? Jesus get some patience
  9. Muffins


    make ya look lol
  10. discord = SheepWaffle#9819 i can take a look on teamviewer
  11. how about you flip some bitches instead
  12. not only is this the completely wrong section, you haven't even said what you need it to do or left any contact information.
  13. IT in large is a very broad spectrum so getting in to "IT" has a lot of paths. Do you want to be a developer? Work on Leetcode's and whatever language you want to work in. Sys/Dev ops? Get familiar with cloud architecture and SaaS/IaaS/etc. platforms and get related certifications. The list goes on and on. Just getting in to "IT" is not a practical approach.
  14. Muffins


    i cannot believe staff members are allowed to act like this
  15. Muffins


    that is all, carry on
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