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Muffins last won the day on May 22 2024

Muffins had the most liked content!

About Muffins

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  • Interests
    Runescape, Gaming, Sports, eSports, Muffins, and Food :D

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Dragon Poster

Dragon Poster (9/10)




Community Answers

  1. Need to launch OSBot with Java 8.
  2. yes, you need to grab the charid and sessionid using a packet sniffer and set the env vars for a 30 day active token, then launch osb. SET JX_CHARACTER_ID="CHARID" SET JX_DISPLAY_NAME="DoesntMatter" SET JX_SESSION_ID="SessID"
  3. launch the original OSBot jar not via Jagex Launcher.
  4. yes you need VIP to run more than one client/bot.
  5. you can start writing scripts without VIP, you don't need a membership on OSBot to write scripts.
  6. usually a white screen means the IP is being blocked. (e.g. a VPN)
  7. do you have the supplies already? is it darts or bows?
  8. No, in order to get the 15% discount you would have needed to purchase the scripts after lifetime sponsor.
  9. Please refrain from trading with this user.

  10. plenty of people have success in botting and turning a profit. Blaming OSBot won't do you any good. OSBot is very much still alive.
  11. very insightful thanks! Could you possibly i dont know provide a bit more information?
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