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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. inferno is the picture teleport option?
  2. I'll have to look into it sometime this weekend. But I don't have an account to properly test it. Can you give me all of the actions of the xerics right click -> all options (Case sensitive) Name of item (Case sensitive) Where the teleport spot is located. you can screenshot from this tool: http://explv.github.io/#
  3. For brutals mode? Don't the xerics break or something
  4. I do accept gold for the script. Please add my discord Christopher#2820 Yes
  5. The script does not support rune restocking. You will have to have them in your inventory.
  6. Fixed in v3.0 - Updated a banking error caused by DepositBox API - Updated the Script Paint to show script version. Please be patient for it to be uploaded to the SDN. (Around 24 hours or less)
  7. https://www.sythe.org/members/kindra32.469946/ History of a possible account scamming. https://www.sythe.org/threads/s-cb-95-zerker-range-void-torso-fighter-hat-f-cape-veng-barrow-gloves/page-2#post-15598687 Banned until he is pardoned on sythe or the staff team allows him back. Thanks for the report.
  8. Script has been tested and is running properly. You must be in fixed mode runescape setting. If mirror doesnt work then use stealth injection mode. Thanks
  9. Chris

    Zularah acc

    this is the price check section not the spam section. Either price check or dont post at all
  10. Chris

    Zularah acc

    its the price check section... zzz
  11. You can use whatever gear you start the script with
  12. Proof has been shown that user was paid. Closing. @mr_big_t Reopen by PM when you feel like responding
  13. Note: Last of the compensation has been paid out. This concludes all of B3NJI's service deposit compensations for disputes.
  14. @mr_big_t It is confirmed in these sources that he indeed refunded you your payment to the same address he received it from. This is where you can find all of the generated address for each wallet from you to him 14/8/18 https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/tx/f3220a6398484e924861b6278659f51a6cfed8570dd040384a71b65dd3d910e2/ from him back to you 14/8/18 https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/tx/4a6a13ec253e82a27fcce158a7a003a6669ee26447dfb62f9b5987fbc6d00ef2/ From the evidence gathered it is clear you have received a refund. Yes after a transaction a new wallet address is generated, and you can reuse the old ones. Coinbase implemented this security so you couldn't not keep track of 1 address to see whos holding what amount (privacy). This can be proven in Coinbase's FAQ page. He sent the amount back to you. This could be an error on coinbase's side if you cannot see this transaction. I recommend you speak with support with the given blockcypher links.
  15. @mr_big_t This is where you can find all of the generated address for each wallet
  16. Ok thank you for the fast response. Please show proof here when you get back. Also did he agree to the gold refund? Is it possible for you to compensate him in his original currency? In his evidence he already shows the transaction here:
  17. I've notified Dbuffed and asked him to respond. In the meantime show all of your evidence. @mr_big_t @Dbuffed What what the timeframe of the order? If they decided not to do it im sure they sent the refund the same day.
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