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Everything posted by Eggbert10

  1. Asking for 30m 07 GP for the Account, If Interested let me know, Willing to negotiate! If you're a pokemon fan you will love this game!
  2. Bump! Anyone interested? ive put weeks of effort into this account, Probably worth close to 30-40 dollars in effort + items and spent money to get boosts and whatnot, Im looking for 30m 07 GP but open for offers! Let me know!
  3. My Bought RockCrab script isnt working sadly, Liked this for a Trial, TY
  4. Thank you! Love trying out new scripts and what not! You have some very flawless ones!
  5. Well, I currently just got fired at my job IRL and need to make as much cash as I can get, I was wondering if there are any experienced shop owners, or sellers that can give me types on skype TheEggbert10- Skype Im looking to get into Gold Selling aswell as account selling for a few months. My feedback isnt the highest but I am a trustworthy person, ive never scammed anyone in my life, but I know this is the internet so feedback is all the matters, is it really beneficial to become a small time seller? I need to be able to support myself, as well as my girlfriend and child on the way, Im searching for a new job but in this day and age, way easier said than done.. Thank you in advance for any tips and for anyone that can help me! Once I get everything up, I will be in need of an experienced graphics designer for a shop post and what not, so send me pms and we can talk! Thank you!
  6. jagex is always watching, hell I got a trial one day on a premium script, and bam, banned in 4 hours QQ, It happens, but its a risk we botters take.
  7. Curious if anyone plays and is interested in an account? Have various misc, pokemon,. My Team Consisted of Blastoise - 60 Aggron - 57 Gallade - 57 Gengar - 51 Arbok - 40 Ninetales - 48 Have all first 8 Badges + Elite four Defeated, 800k Cash Exp Share + Bike The PC, has about 30 Misc Pokemon, Will take a Screenshot upon Request, Any offers? Pokemon-Planet is the game, Look it up! Accepting 07 Runescape gold Preferred. You go first, Will post feedback and vice versa!
  8. Hello! My name is Paul, Also Eggbert10. Ive recently bought a computer on a pay-to-own type of deal from this company. http://www.nocompromisegaming.com#oid=1624_1 , They work with you and even if you have bad credit you can get a custom built computer within a budget that is approved from them. Delivery and Shipment is 7-10 Days.. If you have any questions, PM me, or add me on skype, theeggbert10. Ive used them for a while now and customer service is great and they will work with you! (( IF this post is not allowed, I will delete, Advertising for a Computer Company that I am affiliated with. )) Any questions, Just ask away. Im looking to expand my relations in the community and gain feedback, I figured this would be one way to assist in doing so! Take it easy!
  9. I was trying to get VIP but for some reason my card is not working, I was curious as if there is a way I can buy VIP with runescape gold 07, if thats allowed and possible? if not, Ill wait until I can find a new card and use the 10 dollars, Trying to start a little business and need to be able to run 2+ bots.
  10. Can I have a trial for this please?
  11. Eggbert10

    Stealth Quester

    Very Much appreciated, Would it be wise to run the script for Waterfall at lvl 3?
  12. Eggbert10

    Stealth Quester

    Can I get a trial boss?
  13. Would love a 48 H Trial, If you could spare it instead of 24! Wanna test it for two days and see how well it goes, Been botting Minotaurs for a while and this seems great.
  14. Thank ya, Is it 24 hours?
  15. Can I have a Trial for this Beauty?
  16. Script name Tutorial Island Script - trial length 6 hours - Reason for trial - Curently getting back into runescape and would love to give this a try and possibly buy it in the futre to make accounts to mass bot as bans are a pain in the ass, But I also have been looking into other bots you have created and might purchase some as needed when I get myself back on track! - Are you going to give feedback on the script? Of Course I will , Anything for help and you being generous!
  17. Eggbert10

    Jar Files

    Ive downloaded it twice already, for some reason it was messing up and freezing at the verifying part, gonna try it a third timem im running windows 10 btw if that messes up anything i verifyed it and im running the correct java version , everytime i go to download or run the program is says unable to read parameter, please reinstall program *Update* I finally was able to fix it so it opens with java, but now everytime i open up 2.4.43 it opens up like a rectangular black dos box and i cant make out any words, anyone have this problem before?>
  18. Eggbert10

    Jar Files

    So I recently just got a new laptop and im trying to return to Old school and I tried downloading the client and It says failure to load parameter, reinstall program. Ive tried doing that and it still doesnt work Any suggestions on some help my friends?
  19. If you can add mee on skype, theeggbert10 Was wondering if I could get Animal Magnetism done, Fremenik Isles MM+ Pre req's .
  20. By far the best bot ive used in a while.
  21. You're Awesome. <3

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