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Everything posted by Avocado

  1. Avocado

    Stealth NMZ

    bot broken when trying to fix dharok armour, can this please be fixed?
  2. Great script, however there is an issue when dying in the abyss. Sometimes the bot will not re-equip a pickaxe to mine in the abyss and will get stuck there until it dies again/teleports out. I then have to manually restart the bot and equip another pickaxe.
  3. Avocado

    Stealth NMZ

    No bank pin & nothing that I know of.
  4. Avocado

    Stealth NMZ

    issue happens both with herb box selected and not selected.
  5. Avocado

    Stealth NMZ

    Hey token, ive used this script a lot in the past and never had any issues, however the past couple days the script has been stopping. It times out after 5mins of not going into the dream and then stops the script. Here’s a paste of the log. https://pastebin.com/ZY1c6PZd
  6. Could say this script still runs pretty well 1-99 crafting on opals and jades. ran it 24/7 with breaks for weeks.
  7. hey would i be able to get a trial? thanks
  8. Avocado


    hey, great script but recently it keeps saying that its out of cannonballs when there are plenty in the inventory, then it logs out with the cannon on the ground. [INFO][Bot #1][09/05 11:04:05 PM]: Started random solver : Dismiss Random [INFO][Bot #1][09/05 11:04:07 PM]: Solved Bee keeper dismissal random. [INFO][Bot #1][09/05 11:04:07 PM]: Random solver exited : Dismiss Random [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 12:44:08 AM]: Started random solver : Dismiss Random [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 12:44:10 AM]: Solved Capt' Arnav dismissal random. [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 12:44:10 AM]: Random solver exited : Dismiss Random [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:04:08 AM]: Started random solver : Dismiss Random [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:04:11 AM]: Solved Bee keeper dismissal random. [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:04:11 AM]: Random solver exited : Dismiss Random [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:45:02 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:45:08 AM]: Successfully logged in, waiting for welcome screen. [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:45:14 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:45:14 AM]: out of cannonballs - stopping script [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:45:14 AM]: Terminating script ezCannon... [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:45:14 AM]: 306.7K EXP gained in: 05:50:58 [INFO][Bot #1][09/06 02:45:14 AM]: Script ezCannon has exited!
  9. Avocado

    Stealth Quester

    getting this error during lost city. just standing inside taverly underground. [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 11:07:49 PM]: position: [x=2840, y=9766, z=0]; next: Lost City; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: true, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 11:07:49 PM]: running quest: Lost City; current stage: 2 [INFO][Bot #1][06/19 11:07:49 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException at b.Af.B(zc:191) at b.fC.B(zc:145) at b.Prn.F(v:399) at b.Prn.K(v:189) at b.KE.B(zb:96) at e.Aux.A(jd:482) at e.Aux.k(jd:153) at c.Aux.onLoop(ud:373) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(hl:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
  10. Avocado

    Stealth NMZ

    may i please have a trial?
  11. Avocado


    purchased this script. any reason why the cpu load is so high? My fans are going crazy, hasn't happened with any other scripts. Whenever its not in combat, sometimes it acts like the crabs aren't aggressive, and tries to reset the timer/agro, when in reality it just needs to move closer to the crabs. Also it sometimes just runs to the bank and says it's out of food, when there's plenty in both the inventory and bank.
  12. May I please have a trial?
  13. Nice script, been using it for about 10 days now. The only issue I see is it sometimes eats food when at full hp, other than that it's great!
  14. selling 350m for 19c per m. will only sell to trusted buyers.
  15. this still available? definitely interested.
  16. Looking to buy a range pure... Can swap rs3 gold or paypal whatever suits. Willing to pay for the right account.
  17. ended up buying this script.. banned after 2 days haha
  18. Hey friend, may I please have a trial?
  19. well i certainly feel like an idiot
  20. script runs great, have two separate 10 hr proggies. the bury bones option doesn't seem to work for me though unfortunately.
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