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Everything posted by Medic

  1. Hopefully this helps some of the scripts and the issue where the walking is bugged and causes them to end up in random areas and getting lost
  2. If you're talking about having multiple monitors like I do :http://i.imgur.com/dkuLprZ.jpg Then you're going to need a desktop and two monitors lol. I don't think it's possible to have multiple monitors on a laptop lol
  3. Any proof that these are not recycled? Private sock5s are pretty hard to come by. I might be interested
  4. Grats man. I bought that game and I don't even think I have 2 hours playtime on it, lol.
  5. Medic


    you say both botting and betting Which one we talking about? Botting or Games of chance?
  6. Medic

    Walking bugged

    Can confirm this happens on a lot of other scripts in mirror mode.
  7. Alysha or whatever her name is , is actually pretty fucking hilarious
  8. Probation isn't that bad. I just finished my 1 year probation for possession. You can't smoke, but you can still party. Drink, chill, but don't pop pills or smoke, unless you won't be pissing or shitting for ~2 weeks. I work construction, so every couple of weeks I'd have my boss send in a letter saying I was going to work out of state for like 2-3 weeks and then I could smoke / party / etc without having to worry about going in to piss. The best advice I can give you is make sure you always always always make your appointments with your PB officer. Don't piss them off or they can make your 1 year probation a bitch.
  9. I thought the only way to truly change your HWID was with a complete wipe of the HDD that windows is installed on and with a reinstall of windows.
  10. I'll give you 10m then I guess.
  11. Medic


    You're banking on the fact that you'll be alive 15 months from now. GL
  12. Medic


    Grats on spending a lot less money monthly
  13. dota > cs > smite > HoN > league > rs
  14. Pandemic Pride makes me visualize a mob of some sort. Like the rallies during Nazi Germany. Aggressiveness and shit like that. It's a good brand name
  15. Medic

    MirrorClient v1.05

    Can confirm. Memory usage spikes to max after about 3-4 minutes of botting, but I think it might just be a visual bug on the UI. Doesn't actually effect performance.
  16. Medic

    Help new to osbot

    If you want to avoid bans 100%, then don't bot, it's as simple as that. There's always the chance for a ban when you're botting. The best success I've had botting was I only botted when I was actually at the computer so I could babysit it. I just threw the bot up on my second monitor while I was playing Dota or CSGO.
  17. Fantastic job so far! You're always online and always helpful to the newbies. 10/10 You have a lot of patience with some of the stupid questions people ask
  18. + roasted lamb and a shit ton of other food.
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