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Dashboard last won the day on July 7 2014

Dashboard had the most liked content!

About Dashboard

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Dashboard's Achievements

Adamantite Poster

Adamantite Poster (7/10)




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Dashboard's Feedback

3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr
Positive 0 0 0
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  1. Extreme Scripts left Positive feedback   

    Sold him 10m through PayPal, super fast. Top man

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  2. DeAndre left Positive feedback   

    A++ Helped me with advice / sold me great Script!

    Dashboard was The Seller

  3. YoHoJo left Positive feedback   

    Some him a bit of 07, great as always.

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  4. YoHoJo left Positive feedback   

    Popped your feedback cherry since your unbanning. Great guy.

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  5. B2B left Positive feedback   

    Sold him 20M quick and easy. Thanks mate!

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  6. ScorpioZ left Positive feedback   

    Sold 35mil 07

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  7. Kittens left Positive feedback   

    sold him 10mil for $26 over paypal thank you

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  8. YoHoJo left Positive feedback   

    Sold him 20M 07GP, went great!!

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  9. Jordan left Positive feedback   

    Made him a GIF for $15

    Dashboard was The Seller

  10. Anne left Positive feedback   

    Got 20$ total for doing superscript service (making vid etc). Awesome!

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  11. Ricky left Positive feedback   

    Gave me 1.75m to advertise his script.

    Dashboard was The Seller

  12. Rick left Positive feedback   

    gave me my 1.5m thanks! awesome guy

    Dashboard was The Seller

  13. lolmanden left Positive feedback   

    Sent me the cash for adv, ty.

    Dashboard was The Seller

  14. Lee left Positive feedback   

    Sent me money for advertising! Thanks:)

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  15. Sleepyflame left Positive feedback   

    Well, bought his script and advertising it in Sig, trusted guy, paid me as well.

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  16. Smart left Positive feedback   

    I've received $9.45 to advertise SuperScript Factory in my signature for 1 month

    Dashboard was The Seller

  17. Basic left Positive feedback   

    Very quick and professional! Rented my siggy~!

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  18. Popular left Positive feedback   

    Sold him advertisement space. Received money in seconds later.thanks mate

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  19. Anne left Positive feedback   

    Received the 6,3$ for the signature service. Awesome!

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  20. udeme123 left Positive feedback   

    Advertising his script for 1M RSGP - Thanks

    Dashboard was The Seller

  21. Zappa left Positive feedback   

    Gave me money to advertise his script! :)

    Dashboard was The Seller

  22. ScorpioZ left Positive feedback   

    Signature Space for RSGP

    Dashboard was The Seller

  23. Jordan left Positive feedback   

    Paid me for a SDN SuperScript Icon <3

    Dashboard was The Seller

  24. Guest

    Guest left Positive feedback   

    Sold him Advertising space, thanks m8

    Dashboard was The Buyer

  25. Jordan left Positive feedback   

    He paid me for Signature Space Advertisement

    Dashboard was The Seller

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