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Everything posted by Jin

  1. Jin

    Allow RSPS Sales

    God help you. OT: People pay for advertisements and certain servers are just better than others. So why would they allow threads on RSPS if they moderators aren't allowed? Making a thread on RSPS' is under advertisements and would defeat the whole purpose of that rule.
  2. Jin

    today is

    I was depressed when I turned 15 lmao. Happy birthday!
  3. Walk through the door, almost banged my head... I get on the bus but can't fit the top floor... I'm only 6ft2 so why is everything so small? It's tough being tall, this is all from experience.
  4. Let's hope that your email password is different, if not change asap. Also just change your password and set new recovery options, good luck.
  5. Jin


    How about Pantherlily?
  6. Jin


    What a surprise...
  7. I really liked the one on Usain Bolt. :P
  8. I guess this comes under freedom of speech and common sense.
  9. If you need help just ask it, no need to speak gibberish.
  10. Jin

    "Rant" section

    It wouldn't be so bad to have a rant child board.
  11. Honestly it would be useless. If people notice your active, congratulations but there's nothing to deserve from keeping active. It's optional. You could browse Google and try to find a modification, but I doubt it'd be there.
  12. Jin

    SOTW 13 Voting

    Hard to decide, but I've got one in mind.
  13. Jin


    A decent idea but there's only one major problem, why would they pay to code scripts and earn little money out of it? It's like renting out a nice house but you let your friend live there.
  14. So posting almost nudes aren't allowed but suggesting drugs is. These guys will be working as gardeners for life...
  15. Just give it time, eventually you'll be trusted enough to roam the boards without TWC.
  16. Either you guys have a crap monitor or need to go Specsavers. Quality isn't that bad...
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