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  1. Script that collects spices in Evil Daves basement - Edge. Script will take care of cat - feeding and strocking. How to start: cat in inventory some food open game chat - gathering informations about cat from it run in basement Script will NOT: stop on full inventory eat for spices update cat when it grow up bank https://easyupload.io/0nk0hd tested only on kitten. If there will be any problem with other cats, just let me know
  2. Instead of using currentAction as integer, use enum. You could extract every step into other class which implements interface A and in enum parameter set implementation of this interface for example: interface Action{ void doThing(); } class A implements Action{ public void doThing(){...} } class B implements Action{ public void doThing(){...} } enum ActionType{ BANK(new A()), FOO(new B())... @Getter private final Action action; } use private final static variables instad of private final
  3. When we can expect version 2?
  4. Java is not a perfect first programming language. Python is more friendly for fresh developers. Everything depends on what u want to do with this knowledge. If u want to stick with osbot scripts learn java, but if you want to be a full time programmer think what u really what to do. Whole programming thing is devided into many categories, many programming languages has different usages.
  5. Few weeks ago i received 2nd ban on my acc. It was 2 day ban again. I'm lucky as
  6. Efpkaf


    Can i receive a trial?
  7. What will be the final price?
  8. While building oak loader, script is freazing until butler appear even if i have planks in inventory.
  9. Script is working pretty well. All what i have noticed is that the script is always picking allotments from the same tile.
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