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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by udeme123

  1. yh it's possible for addy gloves.. and you can find the rest on google easy lol
  2. since when was being black a bad thing?? you named this "my confession" lol.
  3. wats wrong with being black? #BLACK-POWER
  4. whats wrong wit him being black?? Get a life lol you leak him why not sure pics of yourself your just mad he can buy ur dad wit dat money
  5. l0l this is just like me botting nats and forgetting tiara
  6. what I do when bored in class is go for a cig lol
  8. lool i'm gonna use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan.. so black
  9. yh it annoys me, Especually ppl like e.g "prefaud" You put an account for sale 20M minimum he goes and offers 500K
  10. God daym theres me with my 5 hr proggies and u guys with 120 + hrs
  11. Not bad, Not good either lol he won't go far tell ur boy stick to school
  12. I get it but the way you explained it just ruined it for me lol
  13. Can i have plez? i got no money soz :[
  14. shouldn't this be worth like $30-50 lol and people can make scripts of them and sell $1 ea or something and you get 10% of it ;P meh idk lol
  15. If you keep selling it, soon enough someone will release it to public. I believe same happened to auth dupe. No-one has bought method only 3 people I know know this method :P they have only requested for me to get the rapier for them to abuse staking
  16. Got patched, I got dung smuggle method if u wanna buy
  17. lol i was just listening to danny brown ft sd
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