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  1. https://gyazo.com/ae96b97e024f8859a7911ab2d0f9718f withdrawing full invent of food instead of like 5-10, and then it just keeps trying to pickpocket. (if its cake it just eats the cake once instaed of eatin the whole cake.)
  2. Silk Stalls in ardy is acting weird, keeps running inbetween the two stalls instead of staying at one. gnone agility and alkharid works flawless
  3. Gets stuck here Draynor Village Agility Course
  4. does not work, it just stands there doing nohing when aggro needs to be reset.
  5. pressing f10, nothing happends, it dosent hop when crashed. after 40 min of botting script logged out and back in, and dident attack anything. Tested with alot of the settings and it seemed to fail when, banking, finding a new spot, and not hopping when crashed, now testing on the island. and just now i got an weird issue, when tabbing up othergames, the paint of the script dissapears, but it still moves / eats, had this problem with other script aswell, but only 2 script so far. screenshot on how it looks when the paint dissapears.
  6. worked grate, but the UI (don't know whats it called, but where its a yellow box and explained the xp/h and so on) dissapeares when i move the window or tab some other game up, and it wont come back on untill restarting. the script.
  7. guxan

    Molly's Orber

    tested with house, flawless in 3h, deathwalking did log out istead of picking up, ( dont bring gear u dont want to lose) tested with glories, flawless for 4 hours, missed progreport tho will send one tomorrow when i have the time to run it
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