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  1. I understand that none-vip can have 2 bots max, which is fine for none-jagex accounts, but is this possible with jagex accounts? When i try to login twice with 2 instances of the client, it force logs them out, can't see any add bot button when doing via the jagex launcher beta. Sorry if i'm being dumb!
  2. Trial please - thanks as always!
  3. Could i have a trial please? - do you also take OSRS Gp as payment at all?
  4. Thanks for the info, never been banned on this script using the above settings i mentioned on and off for 3 years, so good to hear you've had success via force. Weathered account by any chance? - i've had fresh ones with low skills mixed up (all botted) survive to 85 range before i manually trained.
  5. Just have hop if crashed. Less clicks = less patterns when botting therefore less chance of getting autocaught. Less contesting = less reports from legit plays. If you have force attack on, you're asking for the ban tbh.
  6. Can you add a safespot tile? - currently runs out to pick arrows then stays there. Thanks
  7. RsRose

    Stealth Quester

    Hi there, May i have a trail? - used it once 2 years ago & would like to test some new quests on a throwaway. Many thanks
  8. Never been banned with this script in like 5 months of use. Fresh account? get some QP etc and some normal stats in other skills hand done and you're good to go.
  9. Hello, May I have a trial please? Thanks
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