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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. Dragon gloves bro. Don't ruin his dreams
  2. It's all up to you. Are you planning on running more than 2 bots? since you'll need VIP or sponsor. Are you planning on doing a mem method? F2P is cheap but you get banned faster and you'll make less quite simply.
  3. Saiyan


    cool as a cucumber meme.java
  4. Saiyan


    caught a glimpse of post count
  5. He got banned earlier today. Sorry for your loss
  6. He was banned earlier today. Sorry for your loss
  7. Give me the bandos set pls thx
  8. Saiyan


    what if i have the balls to get a 100 hour proggy?
  9. Saiyan


    Random question but if i use toxic blowpipe will it recharge it and load it up with specified darts if need be? Like your hot barrows bot does
  10. Saiyan

    Hi! ♥

    Welcome amigo You have my father's name. O wait you are my father
  11. Welcome buddy Hope you enjoy it here @@Adapt served for the us army too! :P
  12. Saiyan


    I'm new to the forum how do i get to know people - http://osbot.org/forum/forum/54-introductions/ How do i know what colour name means what - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/50019-understanding-the-forum-ranks/ Rules: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/64221-rules/ Mirror client What is the mirror client - http://osbot.org/for...-mirror-client/ Mirror client guide - http://osbot.org/for...ent-your-guide/
  13. It's been 48 hours now. Starting to think you're not wanting to co-operate. Going to give you this last 24 hours and if you fail to comply i'm going to assume this was a false feedback and you may not be allowed to access the market should you fail to reply that is.
  14. Let's just say my reddit no fap challenge ended abruptly
  15. If i ever foresaw you coming i'd Saiyan
  16. Nice English @FrostBug would b proud
  17. Any updates? it's been way over 30hours now
  18. PS4 but the last time i touched it was christmas 2015 lol
  19. Dw we've all been there *I'm still there to be fair haha :p @@Alek's fave scripter tho
  20. If it's local on the script manifest where it says logo paste the image address url just like loudpacks has shown below. For SDN Alek or someone asks you for the 180x180 logo and he adds it himself manually.
  21. No he was not. But I'm going to give him a chance still to prove why we should remove his feedback. He's already given some evidence so can you also send me the chat log screenshots if possible with the time of the message being sent too (the date) would be nice. @, I'd like the full screenshot chatlogs also since you only sent three.
  22. I know what your twc was for but ever since the new twc restrictions came into place you guys can only deal with buying currency. Selling accounts and services were RESTRICTED. Yet you decided to sell an account and offer a service? Why should we remove your FB when you didn't comply with our rules in the first place. You made the decision and now we have made ours. Next time Gardon don't go against the restrictions since at the end of the day it'll come back to haunt you just like it did this time. @Gardon future reference http://osbot.org/forum/topic/102513-trade-with-caution/
  23. Saiyan

    shit post

    Waiting for ur shitpost of the week :p can't afford it that's why i wear recoils
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