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Everything posted by Dex

  1. I have no idea tbh I never really did any of those things. If you just want to create a good account with decent combat stats it's import to just stop botting at some point and don't overdo it. Not sure if botting to max combat is doable.
  2. Regularly transfer your money and don't overdo it. Use common sense.
  3. The whole point of putting a password on a pdf file is securing it. I'm pretty sure you're going to have to bruteforce this one.
  4. Should reban you for this lq topic.
  5. Wouldn't trust. @Muffins purchased this guide and look where it got him.
  6. Nice, gl. What is the ultimate goal?
  7. That's because you have winrar set to open .jar files by default.
  8. Well first of all, don't use "==". Use instanceOf String. To get the text from the examine text I suggest you use toString.
  9. Turn off cached exchange mode, create a new mail profile, or check if it's not prompting you to enter your password.
  10. I've asked him to reply here, he will have to provide evidence of the trade.
  11. Fresh accs off tut island are cheap and you can easily make that back with botting so I recommend buying the accs.
  12. It's easy enough to recover accounts with just the IP of the original owner. You don't need the original e-mail address for that.
  13. Dex

    [WTB] 2277 Max Acc

    No, sorry not planning to sell mine.
  14. Can you provide a screenshot of it please?
  15. I can't even see an invoice being created. I suggest you PM @Maldesto with a screenshot of the transaction on PayPal.
  16. Dex


    I seem to recall that I created that myself so it's not an existing font. Could use something like this: http://www.dafont.com/sf-square-head.font?text=OSBOT it's very similar.
  17. That's a good way to lose your drawing tablet virginity. Now draw Mr. Meeseeks.
  18. Lmao, that looks so weird and completely not what I would have in mind if I were to create the body for it.
  19. Dex

    Restore Image

    Can you pm me the picture? Not sure if I can do it but I'm curious now.
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