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Everything posted by Dex

  1. I warned him and placed him in TWC, he will have to either refund you the $120 or give you the account. It's his own fault for giving you the wrong paypal address.
  2. Dex


    Not good enough, I fixed it for u noob.
  3. Dex


    It all makes sense now.
  4. I moved him to TWC and requested him to reply here.
  5. @boyjohn22 failed to reply within the 24 hour timeframe and thus has been banned, if he's willing to return he'll have to refund you.
  6. Dex


    Weird, the renewal must've been cancelled somewhere. You can just purchase it again to renew it if you want though.
  7. Got one from @TWC, thanks a lot man!!
  8. Damn dude.. That's some serious shit. Btw, @Scotty unfortunately isn't active anymore
  9. Hi guys, I'm currently attempting inferno again but still can't afford a tbow. Last time @Fruity was kind enough to lend me one but unfortunatly he doesn't have one anymore. So if someone is willing to lend me a tbow for hopefully a few days I would be forever grateful. Can give like 200m rsgp collat if needed. (it's something) Thanks in advance, Dex
  10. Did you manage to recover your account?
  11. Dex


    Unfortunately he's already been banned. I have added it to his ban reason.
  12. Dex

    fresh meem

    I still blame the youtube gold generators.
  13. I reset his registration email to the old one. Please tell him to change the password from his email address and then change the password from his OSBot account. I have suspended him for now as a precautionary measure so he'll also have to appeal when that's take care of.
  14. Both of you are banned offsite for obvious scamming. So bye to the both of you.
  15. We'll handle this on the other thread.
  16. The screenshots still don't appear on the thread, can you upload them to imgur and then paste the links in here?
  17. @uta, can you get in touch with @Fratem for your 20m please? Alright @Fratem, we'll wait for @uta comes online.
  18. I banned @LowRicer, he was indeed linked to @Megaman and owes @uta a 110M refund for the following dispute: He paid you 20m in total, right?
  19. Done, I checked it via ACP and he used a mexican unverified PayPal to pay for his purchases on OSBot as well, yet all his IPs are from the UK.
  20. Yeah that is definitely the same account, a lot of stats are still the same which can't be a coincidence. I'm going to ban him since he's clearly lying. He'll have to refund you the full amount if he's willing to return.
  21. Please do so. Also @doeihoi can you please provide screenshots of the account as well?
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