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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. its in reference to this old vid that got really popular
  2. no friend got the eye surgery and he's paying it off in a payment plan, said it was worth every penny.
  3. what the fuck is this shit
  4. i wouldn't trust this guy with a penny he promised to sell me a gf never came thru rip
  5. Sometimes I wish I was a girl so I can stream to twitch with fake implants and rake in all the donation money.
  6. thanks weed, xanax, lots of alcohol, couple of key bumps thru the night, nothing too crazy just binged a bit hard.
  7. Careless driving ticket for $4000.00? Are you fucking serious? That's fucking outrageous, hopefully the lawyer can get rid of that charge all together. Glad to hear your safe bud.
  8. its 4:15am, way too many substances have been indulged into my system, and i've finally had some quality time to just relax after a wild night. i came to this website for the botting, but i stayed for the community. this site is like a secondary family for me and all you wonderful diverse people that i've met are some of the most interesting and entertaining people a person can encounter over the internet. just wanted to say thanks and hope we have a fun and action packed 2016.
  9. didn't bother, going to my nephews birthday party today with the family. later tonight just going to cry myself to sleep with drugs and video games.
  10. well we aren't alone, aren't we? we're apart of the happy little family we call osbot community ;)
  11. but thats the best part ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  12. ye ye vote the nerd for president
  13. Used to have a zob glass piece but it got taken away. fuck da po po
  14. For me personally I love making myself an everything bagel with eggs, cheese, and bacon with sausage on the side. Then usually afterwards I finish it off with an apple/banana with a cold glass of apple juice.
  15. hey! enjoy your stay here m8.
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