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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. can confirm, am posting this from the 7th level of hell the wifi here is great too
  2. neat. same. this will be my ritual before i go to bed. gym life is bae.
  3. All the guys are gonna be out with their girls and I'm gonna be at home streaming through some old anime shows and stuffing myself with lots of junk food.
  4. You obviously have never heard of the magical item called amphetamines.
  5. Shaving my balls for the first time was the scariest and most nerve wracking experience ever. Its pretty easy honestly but never gonna forget that first time, was scared i'd accidentally puncture the sack lol.
  6. Come keep me company while I study in between classes.
  7. I think I'm going go follow through with this, thanks a ton everyone.
  8. It used to be a problem for me but I started to take care of my face and continually washed with soap every morning and night and eventually it went away. Now most of the time it comes back due to stress. I got a little red one underneath both my eyes a couple days back, somewhat close to the cheekbone. Any home remedies I can use? Would rather not switch to a prescription skin care that will dry the fuck out of my face and other side effects.
  9. It's human nature to fuck everyone else over and to make yourself as successful as possible. Lots of people are selfish by nature but don't want to admit it to keep up impressions in society.
  10. take some melanin or get prescribed some xanax.
  11. Can't wait for AoT season two to come out, been waiting too damn long since the tv release.
  13. It's hilariously bad. I love it. The H-scenes in Heaven's Feel route are really important though, dunno how they are gonna incorporate that when they animate it. Although it is going to be a movie, so knowing Ufotable they could give it an R rating and go yolo.
  14. I'm pretty sure it's real, we got the same thing for girls except for their boobs. I don't think any dude would go through with it though, you would probably end up losing some sensation down there cus of the nerve damage and stuff. Think in the sense of circumcision.
  15. Dick size reduction surgery is your best option, or find some slut with a punani looser than a hobo's teeth. And lots of lube.
  16. ask and ye shall receive if it's within my power
  17. press yes and you shall receive 5gp for free. terms and conditions may apply.
  18. gf spec'd too hard nerf pls
  19. I don't like fast food pizzeria's. I'm making my own dough with real, fresh ingredients. Not that frozen packaged bullshit. This looks good, thanks. Any recommendations for wing sauce? Fuck the nuggets from BK get them from mcdonalds. I'll check it out thanks.
  20. I need suggestions for this upcoming sunday, any special recipes you guys got? I wanna make some dope wings, anything else is extra.
  21. Read the VN dude its so good. And F/Z + FSN UBW focus on two completely different themes. UBW is still good but it doesnt do the characters justice. Just wait until Heavens Feel gets adapted people are gonna fucking lose it.
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