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Everything posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. keep it short, simple, n slick. buzz on sides and long in front works wonders on dudes. post/pm a pic of your face and i'll tell you the best suggestion.
  2. biggest puppet and biggest bipolar lying piece of shit person ever to exist. if she gets elected im transferring over to ISIS.


    the answer is the same age as me
  5. You shouldn't be asking whether if something is bannable or not, rather how likely are the odds of you getting banned? I wouldn't be worried about it if I was you, before I started botting, back then I would macro a shitton and never got caught once.
  6. Anyone else sick of seeing these annoying ass fucking faggots spreading like cancer on youtube all for the ad revenue money? Honestly I want this to happen to me just so I can be featured in one of their video's beating the shit out of any one of them. Prime examples: Faggot #1: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOckShow Faggot #2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNXhAZwxoO02J4kSFxbvjA Faggot #3: https://www.youtube.com/user/SoFloAntonio There is just so many of these losers and people just eat it up like the garbage staged shitshow it is.
  7. So many scam quit pussies this is too funny lol.
  8. If you still got FEAR i'll take it.
  9. WHAT?! This is fucking crazy man... FUCK CANCER
  10. The VN is so fucking long I don't even know if i'll finish it before I die.
  11. I do highly recommend the Fate/Stay Night VN, just finished the first two routes today and I got one last route left. This series will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it's just a great story overall. If anyone is curious about getting into the series do feel free to ask questions or to send me a PM.
  12. Write something in your support ticket to get the ticket flagged, you know, odd words out like "ISIS" or "THREATS" or "KILL OBAMA PLAN D." Just simple stuff.
  13. that's what they all say. before you know it your out there jacking off to plastic figurines of your waifu and the dakimura you bought has enough stains to stand up by its own.
  14. Not sharing my secrets but your signature .gif bothered the fuck out of me, here's the .gif with no stutter.
  15. we all know the most successful people on OSBot are weebs anyways.
  16. my good friends mother makes it for me on a daily basis, it's good but i can already get a ton of these lol.
  17. yeah I love italian dishes, post em up.
  18. i'm in the mood for something delicious tonight, give me your family recipe that will rape my tastebuds into heaven.
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