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Everything posted by bearhug

  1. thing is you are still using bots to get your account items.... if 4 bots are trading the same account pure ess, ur still probably will get banned, does not matter if u give 100k in items to main or 100m the main is still seen as the "mule"
  2. if a goldfarm is trading all the gold over to 1 account it is most likely it will get banned sometime in the future, not saying instaban but dont be surprised when the hammer comes :S
  3. why send the hookers to jail when you can send the pimp, ofcourse theres a chance to get banned LEMAYO
  4. think its the overall knowing that you are wasting alot of your time working on a game getting achievements that no one will ever really care about except yourself... i am also really bored of the game in general, the only thing i do is bot for some extra cash and eventually go rushing in pvp... Get out, get a hobby, start playing a sport, make something else take more of your time so you dont have any time over for runescape...
  5. damn im guessing you have had some shit luck, got a maxed zerker trough botting and now a main im doing zulrah on, both accs lasted 1+ year no ban... bot smart instead of assuming you get banned all the time.. 1k+ barrows runs with @frostbarrows guess im just lucky huh? :S
  6. i didnt get a trial, could it be because ive had a perfect woodcutter trial before? bought it like 2 years ago
  7. who bots zulrah 16h/day??? 87 range 95 mage
  8. anyone got some tips on how to maximize kills with this script? I got full void with toxic trident and blowpipe (addy darts), ring of suffering and anguish, and i get about 15-16 kills/h should i upg to better armour or is that fine?
  9. been using fruitys zulrah for 500+ kills now its sooo good
  10. did you try using a uncharged glory work?
  11. are u using the glory for teleporting? try use an uncharged glory instead if not
  12. actually showed username, thats hilarious RIP ACC
  13. yea lol the little start button was hidden, thanks!
  14. got stuck at clan wars for 5 min after 3 kills https://gyazo.com/4568ea06c63202b700f6a26f94ec0159 could i also try v2 https://gyazo.com/c9d15c4fcbf34d7673dc9625e17003bb
  15. how do i start it lol? choosing option and im at rogues den.. there is no "Start" button or anything????? https://gyazo.com/5429f933c7a88e3b15c027673fb91c0a
  16. can i have a trial on this? also does this support minnows?
  17. First off, flawless script used this for years and never got a permanent ban out of it, was gonna do some pc yesterday and after 3 games completed no points/hour was showing or any points at all, not even after restarting script so i just closed it down? anyone else experienceing this? https://gyazo.com/34f7bad168d87549e2e760e1cd6b6e37
  18. could i have a trial on this one please?
  19. Does this support brutal blacks? and anyone know if it is good for it?
  20. https://gyazo.com/994d6aa1fedceb912f5dba91569268f3 think ive gained atleast 20m combat xp with this, sick script man!
  21. how do i make it pray melee vs dharoks?
  22. bought ur pc script long ago and still use it, can i get a trial on this? time to get rune defender after void now..
  23. do you/anyone have any progress reports on this one?
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