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Everything posted by Foo

  1. hero that's bullshit my account was 10 years old and insta perma
  2. Got permabanned from the straight off today
  3. Foo

    Be honest

    nah i've always resented people like that never decided to stoop down that low
  4. f.lux got me laid would recommend 10/10
  5. You clearly don't know what eoc is
  6. i play 07 my accounts are dead on rs3 however
  7. Probably doing something high banrate
  8. THe less of you in the chat the better you already clog up the forums with your crap
  9. chocolate chip cause i'm a fat fuck
  10. Good riddance if anything.
  11. my right arm is alot stronger than my left arm
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centers_in_the_United_States
  13. i didnt bot 1-63 either.
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